[@Mistress Dizzy]I wouldn't mind a few more details, you've given me a pretty good idea of what to expect, but it's always nice to see characters with psionic abilities being given a more in-depth (pun intended) explanation. Personally speaking i've always fancied the idea of mental control being a tug of war that pitted the psion's mental fortitude and will against that of the targeted person. Now I mentioned this in a thread a while back. T'is a good thing I was browsing some of my older posts in a separate to relive the past rps i've been in like the nostalgic bastard I am since it means I can just copy/paste the post I made regarding telepathic abilities: ". A telepath could easily sway some average schmuck on the street if said schmuck isn't prepared for a mental tug of war, but let's say that the telepath tried using their abilities on a hardened fighter: The fighter might not have quite the same level of mental fortitude as the telepath, but he's likely going to have good deal of willpower which can present a challenge, but isn't impossible. The fighter's lack of mental fortitude makes them a tad easier to wrest control of, but that high willpower means that they can still resist to some extent, and that even the slightest lapse in concentration might be all that they need to break free Now, let's say we have a telepath try their abilities on a telekinetic with high mental fortitude but low willpower, again it'd be a challenge, maybe even more so than the fighter because the telekinetic understands the mind a bit better, but this too can be overcome with enough effort. The telekinetic's mental fortitude makes them a much more complex target and definitely draws out the time needed to ensnare them, but the lack of willpower means that the telepath can rest a bit easier than they could with the fighter. tl;dr Willpower = Harder to control but easier to ensnare. Mental Fortitude = Harder to ensnare but easier to control." This all being said, i'd still love to hear more of your take on it. -- Regarding Dimitri's appearance, i've done a bit of browsing about and the only picture i've ever been somewhat satisfied with was [hider=this one] [img]http://img09.deviantart.net/a794/i/2013/046/d/d/___exo_ex_04____by_wyv1-d5v12by.jpg[/img] sans the fluid arm obviously. [/hider] with his prosthetic being something like [hider=this] [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/7406/f/2014/075/c/2/prosthesis_by_torture_device-d7agqkx.jpg[/img] [/hider]