[centre][b][h1]Ashleigh Shephard[/h1][/b] [h3][b]"Look, you don't understand, people are complex. Their emotions are even more so. You put that altogether, not being able to stop feeling it, and it would drive you crazy too"[/b][/h3] [img]http://cf.ltkcdn.net/makeup/images/std/147110-283x266-brown-eye-shadow-on-woman-with-black-hair.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance[/b]: Asheligh stands at 5"6, her black hair extends to her shoulders, her brown eyes are deep and troubled. She has a light skin tone, and a fine complextion. She has a scar under one eye, faded and old. She typically wears dark clothes, almost "Punk" Like. [b]Personality[/b]: Ashleigh is a troubled individual. She keeps to herself, prefering her own company then the heart ache others can bring. She is a quite, almost soft young woman. She rarely raises her voice, and indeed she rarely voices her opinion, prefering to watch situations as they happen. She rarely lets anyone come close to her, for fear of getting hurt again. She is however a rather kind individual, willing to put aside her own fears and doubts for others, particularly if she cares about them. If she can be convinced to let someone it, she will be a valuble asset. However, she considers herself weak and suspetable, based on her past. [b]History[/b]: Ashleigh was born addicted to drugs. Her mother hadn't been aware she was pregnant, until she was 7 months along, and by then it was too dangerous to clean up her act. So Ashleigh was born a drug addict. As both went through care to become clean, her mother vowed to do anythhing she could to stay clean, and give Ashleigh the life she deserved. Ashleigh however was a troubled individual. Her abilities affected her immensely, and by the time she was 12, she was once more a drug addict, taking whatever she could get her hands on, she didn't care as long as it helped. By 15, she had been in and out of hopsitals, rehabs and other such facilities more times then she'd been in school. By 16, she was in love and had cleaned up her act. By 17, she was near death, beaten up by the one person she thought she could love forever. This was when her mother had to stop holding on, and having heard about the acadmey, she sent Ashleigh there, for she couldn't deny that Ashleigh didn't have special gifts. [b]Metahuman Classification:[/b] [b]A living curse[/b] That's what Asheligh thinks of her abilties. She wishes she never had them, and constantly seeks ways of dulling their affects on her. But she can never get rid of them. Even drugs lost their effect, once Ashleigh found she could heal herself. A living curse, and one she can't escape from. [i]Empathy[/i] This is Ashelighs main ability, it's strong, and it causes her pain. The ability to feel others emotions, to constantly feel everything going on around her. She can't control it, can't stop the torrent of emotions. She can control peoples emotions, but she prefers not to. [i]Telekinesis[/i] This is actually Ashleighs only power she doesn't wish gone. The ability to make things move? She thinks its way cool. [i]Healing[/i] The ability to heal might be someone elses dream, but for Ashleigh, touching people is hard, that explosion of emotion...she can't take it. The ability to heal comes from the mere fact she can follow emotions to the source of the injury, and then use the bodies own empathic state to heal. While it is effective, it exhausts both the user and the patient, and as such there is a risk for large injuries. [b]Allergies[/b]: None [b]Pre-existing conditions:[/b] Addicted to drugs.[/centre]