[quote=@potatochipgolem] These aliens, do they have a specific behaviour/appearance/set of traits? [/quote] [color=7CFC00]Not as of yet. Honestly, my initial idea for them was to look perfectly human and behave as an advanced human society would; albeit one that had magic involved in their natural evolutionary path. Hence the harvesting of native life. Admittedly, I shouldn't say that they're aliens. They are, but they're extraplanar entities in the reality of Aedrasil...that just hasn't been figured out by them, just yet. As far as I had thought, they would've been a trio of military vessels that had crashed on different parts of Aedrasil. One could be on Tantas, if you'd like. I'm curious as to what kind of character you have in mind. I may be tempted to play one along with you.[/color]