Chris rose an eyebrow as she waved him over, and, albeit frustrated, he really had no choice but to follow this rather irresponsible mechanic. He stepped through the door to the office and essentially grabbed the papers from her hand the moment it was passed towards him. He was fuming, though the muscles in his face did little to show the present frustration that pumped through him. He was only half-listening as she explained what was happening, instead just filling out the questions as they were asked quickly and efficiently. At one point, the thought did come to him: [i]Was she supposed to give this to me when I got here?[/i] But that seemed to be the end of it. He expected that this kind of mistake wasn’t uncommon when it came to this particular mechanic. He would save final judgement for when he actually saw his car. Already he was itching to get back to work, and that was only causing his rage to build even further. God, if it kept building like this he’d have to start hunting for reasons to start hurting somebody, or at least a difficult-enough file to keep him occupied for a couple days. There were times where he dreamt of going overseas somewhere, just to get a chance to operate on some more exotic animals. Like everyone else near here, however, he was stuck. “There, is that all?” He snapped as he dropped the papers back on the counter loud enough the whole office could hear it. “Honestly, why would you bother doing anything at all if you’re going to half-ass it. I hope for this company’s sake that they are a little more perceptive when it comes to hiring employees in the future.” The comment was pure venom from his lips. Words like sickening ichor stained the space as he took a deep breath. He was losing it ever so slightly. He could feel blackness scratching at his white morals the longer he stood here. Weren’t his morals stronger than this? What happened? The question at this point had been answered millions of times: People. People were the problem, and he would continue to remind them of this until they proved otherwise.