Atlack gazed at the two rabbits hungrily, not even noticing the tidbits of drool, the only thing stopping her from jumping on them right then and there were those fearsome looking horns. Perhaps one of them and she wouldn't have given it a second thought, but two of them was a different beast altogether. They were small, but they only meant they were a little bit smaller than her, those horns were more than large enough to skewer her. Now Atlack was not a tactician by any means but her small brain knew something else was in order. At least they hadn't noticed her. Hm... Atlack stared at them dully for a few moments, then looked around for ideas, spotting her tail unless he was careful. But more importantly she'd found a fairly large rock. Atlack picked up it, hefted it experimentally and peered at the rabbits some more. She could throw it at one... but then the other would be fine. Oh a stick! It was a fairly hefty short stick, it would allow her to clash with one of the rabbits if it came down to. Atlack hurled the rock as hard as she could at the head of one of the rabbits. Given she hadn't been detected, an entirely possible development, it should land squarely on the poor thing's skull and crush it. Atlack immediately picked up the stick and held it up warily, unsure of what would happen next. Bunnies just ate plants so the other one should run now, right?