Harvey slid into the water like a fish. Imagine that. Keeping both hands on his hat and briefcase, Harvey's feet and sides flashed piscinely as he swam across the lake. For some reason, Harey was quite fast underwater, and this allowed him to almost keep up with Haruki. The sudden onslaught of a school of Porcupuffers, of course, gave him good reason to not [i]entirely[/i] keep up with Haruki. It was quite cod that these fierce fish were so aggressive. The sheer scale of even [i]one[/i] of them should have forced them to eat almost constantly. For an entire school of these things, starvation would be a shoal thing. Were there [i]really[/i] fish that got this and this hungry, or were they only attacking for the halibut? The very idea that brainless fish would kill something for no porpoise whatsoever was ridiculous! These paradoxes were giving Harvey a splitting haddock, he'd have to mullet over some potato liquor later. For now, Harvey's main goal was trawling ass and getting the shell out of the water, which he did with gusto. With a tremendous splash, Harvey leaped out of the water, and flopped onto dry ground right next to Haruki. [color=turquoise]"Whale,"[/color] said Harvey, wringing his hat out, [color=turquoise]"That was ofishally the second-worst swim I've had this week."[/color] Harvey slapped the side of his head. Being in the water [i]always[/i] gave him a burning need to think in eely bad fish puns. Harvey looked back at the lake, and watched the Koopas slowly make their way across. Harvey breamed at the contingent of tardy turtles, satisfied that he could outpace them handily. Despite a rather unfortunate encounter with the local wildlife, this adventure was going swimmingly!