Chris was moments away from grabbing something and slamming it over the counter as the woman in front of him squared off against him. Yes, he was fired up, and in another, less civilized situation there was no questioning what his next action might be. The quick announcement of the other person in the room – the slight acknowledgement that someone else was there; that was enough to snap Chris away from the surface-level rage that was ready to crash down on the woman like a tidal wave. The man called out to them as though they were children on the playground Right. This was a work space, a place where other people came. It was not the place to display his anger. He bit his tongue figuratively as he pulled his wallet from his pocket with one hand and adjusted his glasses with the other. Now he could see the way she was shaking… it wasn’t fear, of that he was sure, but he could tell that something had gotten to her. He dropped a credit card on the table. The kind of card that showed he had no issue paying his bills as he side-eyed the other man. He quickly took stock of himself and adjusted his collar despite the veins that looked ready to escape his hands. Eye contact was broken. “Credit’s just fine.” He grumbled right before he heard someone call out his name. At the mention of the officer, Chris rolled his eyes before tilting his head over to the man. Goddamn it, now what did they want? “What is it now?” Chris growled. He couldn’t get the ferocity out of his voice at this point if he tried with all his might. “Look, I gave him the best profile I could,” Chris stated, “and I don’t think it would be best to share that information in a public space. I’ve spared enough time for that station in the past week.” Chris had developed a habit of being insensitive to the space around him. It was always a conscious thought in his head during conversations that some things shouldn’t be said in an open space. Most likely, this was just a side-effect of his whole opinion of the space around him It felt like this town bred incompetence.