The man seemed to hesitantly take Piper's word and kindly butted out--until the fight grew too heated. He was unfamiliar to Piper--strange for a small town--though so was Chris save for his first visit. Still, he stepped himself into the argument and Piper, ignorant to how close she came to violence, did settle if only slightly. She still glared, but she didn't have the energy to stand up against his commanding presence. Besides, she was thankful for the silence that came after. However, she couldn't stop the small mischievous grin when he turned on Chris, who was wanted by the police. "Big surprise there," she muttered to herself. And as the men exchanged words, she took Chris' card. It was heavier than the standard plastic, but she paid it little mind before sitting down. Cards were a bother: they were the small computer's sole purpose, but it was still a slow and tedious process. So, went ahead and started entering the card information, wondering when they would get something to swipe the cards. Still, her gaze would curiously glance between the men every now and again. [@RedXCross] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]