"It is a bit more important than that - how often do you think they send someone out to fetch people? Not often I take it, right?" The stranger continued, emphasizing the oddness of it all. The sort of thing that so slightly raised the hair on the back of one's neck. He wasn't worried by the confrontation, if anything it seemed like he might have leapt into the fray himself - perhaps even broken it up. The man hardly had the looks to him of a marshal or the like, too. So what interest did he have? Deputy Pierce was one of only a couple law enforcement members in the area. Pierce also was pretty, for lack of better words, cowardly. It all just felt off... weirder than it needed to. Fortunately Jimmy Jr. and the other mechanic saw themselves out before the conversation carried on any further, lending a bit less stress on the tightly strung nerves of Chris - or so the man seemed to hope. "Point being, there's something different they need you for. Something odd, you tracking?" The man folded the thick of his arms, some fading tattoos visible further up just beneath the rolled sleeves, "So, are you going to take them up on your hunch or not? I don't know the details of what you've been telling Pierce, just that you keep disagreeing with their assessments." Shaking his head side to side slowly, watching the woman as each press of the computer's keys clicked loudly. His attention on her seemed to speak silent volumes, the sort of expression that went along the lines of, [i]"As for you, try to lay off the boozing on work days."[/i] It was an equally strange scorn, a bit hostile, almost patronizing, but in the same sort of coming from an angle that wasn't too upset about it all, maybe even understanding. "I'm Carver, by the way." He said, directing the words toward Chris, but being obvious enough about it so as Piper was acknowledged. [@Kidd][@RedXCross]