Bob's smile was quickly turning to horror. The skeleton seemed to have reached a new level of anger. He took the time to back up, but it was still not far enough. He had one choice at this range to get out of here. Fire the cannon on his back and accept whatever happens next. Given his distance it could give him precious seconds before he would find out how hard the skeleton can punch him. This was a good plan in his head, but he missed one detail... The large orc didn't like his master level of nicknames, and was grabbing his arm. It was a solid grip and now the skeleton was heading towards him, looking to see if Bob would explode into tiny pieces from just one punch. Still, he had a few backup options. The crackle of electricity told him just what he needed. The battery didn't die out and it was ready. With a thunk on his chest, sparks flew off of him. The entire armor electrified, hopefully enough to make the orc let go. This plan wasn't Bob's only one as he was desperate to not die to such odorous monsters. The only other plan was just as crazy of an idea. The rather large cannon on his back taunting him. Laughing at him for not using it sooner. If he could have just reached it... Wait a second, he still had a free hand. He fired the cannon on his back. Normally, it was enough to send him flying, but he had no idea what would happen since an orc was also holding him. Best case scenario is they both go airborne, or even force him to let go of the genius goblin inventor. Worst case scenario, they both go boom and that might be enough to get out of there while the smoke was clearing. Today was a good day for testing the power of his jet pack with [s]unaware[/s] passengers.