Gay Pride, Feminism, Black Lives Matter, White Lives Matter, All lives Matter, Homophobes, Gay, Fag, lesbian. There are so many ways in this world to justify one specific movement over another, ways to justify treating like other people like dirt under the guise of principles, religion, persona belief. When I look at the issues in our country, (I will not speak of the world for I can not pretend to be the all know guy) all I ever see is some new slogan for people to rally behind, so that their opinions, their beliefs, their right to exist even makes a difference. But in my not so humble opinion, all this is for nothing in the very end. All these slogans, there groups, these classifications, they only ever serve to cause more pain, more harm to others, and it keeps fueling the segregation between us. Everyday that passes we continue to drift farther apart and we drift apart for nothing more then the fact that we are too blind to see that we as a people are tearing this country apart. Police VS AA, AA VS White, White VS AA, Woman VS Men Men VS Woman, Equality VS Racism, there is literally no end to it. It would be me easy for me to say I don't see color, and that everyone is equal in this country but the truth is that not everyone is. Its a well known fact by now that being within a minority is no better at times then being a slave back so many years ago. An sometimes its hard to see the difference between then and now, both times have two things well in common and that is Racism and violence. We like to believe we have come a long way but we haven't come far at all, a black man can walk down the street free but can a black man walk the same street without being misjudged? An Iraqi woman can walk down the street with the right to practice what she believes but can she still do so without fear of being attack by those who hate her for her heritage? A white guy walks down the same street but can he walk down that same street when everyone around him feels that he has some special privilege that all white people seem to have? No matter the scenario, no matter the race, the color, the heritage, the history, the country, no matter what makes that person who they are there is no such thing as just walking down a street without a care in the world. We preach of freedom yet do any of us truly know what freedom is? They say Freedom is one man or womans right to openly live there life how they deem fit as long as it does not infringe upon someone elses life. Yet like everything else in the world people use that very same concept as a reason to attack others they don't deem worthy, or normal in their eye's based on bias opinion or personal belief. Very much like religious people use the bible to condemn same sex marriage and love, just like the bible was used to condone slavery, it was never meant to justify cruelty but people did it anyway because they were free to do so in the name of our country, in the name of god, in the name of satan, the name of anyone they truly believed in and they were able to get away with it and they still do day after day. One of our countries biggest problems is that they abuse the freedom they have for their own personal gain and in the process it hurts the people around them, which makes it not freedom but just a convenient excuse to inflict your will on everyone else. What I am trying to say really through all of these words is that freedom lost its true meaning long ago, its something to be used against others more then it is used as a spirit of being all men and woman deserve to have. It is a device to harm others, and to protect those same people. We live in a democracy that is true enough, and the more people behind the cause the more powerful the cause, but in the end is still means nothing if everything is lost trying to obtain that goal, everything your working for is lost in the chaos that ensues. This topic was about Homophobia, LGBT+, I may have strayed off topic a bit in my writing but when I look at just one issue facing people in this country it is hard to not see the others as well. Should people have an opinion? Yes they should because one with a voice is nobody in a world like this. Should people respect other peoples opinions regardless of if you like it or not? Yes people should. Should men be able to happily marry other men and woman happily marry other woman without persecution? Yes they should. Should we be allowed to live our lives how we sit fit so long as we don't infringe on someone elses? Yes we should. But that problem is we never will, there is being hopeful and there is being realistic. We will never see this ever become reality not because our personal opinion or beliefs or religion but we because we are so dead set on dividing ourselves up to the point where we fracture. As long as these groups exist, preaching about whatever they preach about there will never be a peace. 10000 small groups, even if they have millions of members or not will not bring about change, only moving beyond our petty devices and differences and banding together instead of apart can we ever make this country back into what it was meant to be. Again something that seems impossible. Anyways Iv prattled on enough an I probably came straight up out of left field on this one and probably got off the true topic quite a lot, but I figured I would add in my opinion on the matter.