Aquilan was not a greedy man and he knew the importance of keeping the precarious alliance for now. He ignored the Drow's threat and crossed the small distance between himself and her small supply boat. The first gulp of water soothed his dry throat. He took one more as his eyes strayed towards the cliff. The cliff was almost beautiful to look at had it not been for that daunting feeling of being trapped. He slowly put the water barrel back down, his mind trying to make sense of the situation he suddenly found himself the moment he woke up. [i]Perhaps being trapped in this god forsaken place isn't such a bad thing. I have nothing to look forward to back in Elswin and nothing to go home to,[/i] he found himself thinking grimly. [i]And what of your plans to seek out the Church's assistance with this predicament forced upon us?[/i] came the proud voice in his head. Quil almost laughed out loud. It was ironic, this concept of him being able to make it back to Elswin alive. Hadn't he heard about the dangers the island holds when he was still a child? No one ever made it back once they stepped foot on Crator Island. It was common knowledge. "Well, Lady, I have no great confidence in my chances of survival in an unknown terrain like this one. Even you thought that death would have served me better than finding myself stuck here," he responded. There was a long pause that Quil assumed to mean that the phoenix was weighing her options. To have Quil die may mean her death too. Their souls have been so intertwined with each other that the elf's death may be her death as well. If she wanted to be free from this mortal trap, she would have to cooperate with the elf so that he may seek other ways of separating them. [i]I shall lend you my power,[/i] came the phoenix's steady and sure voice. Quil sighed. "I suppose I should thank you for it. But lending me your power would not ensure our survival. But, I thank you all the same," he said as he stepped out of the small boat and headed towards the only inhabitable looking ship wreck on the beach.