[quote=@shylarah] [@Prince of Seraphs] my stage? Yeah, but...is there really any point in hammering out sheets for an rp I may not get to join? *eyes Nyx* Iunno, maybe I am a little bitter. ...Also trying to finish my 4e char's feats for next weekend, and wikis are dangerous when you're easily distracted. I have some ideas for things, and I do kinda like coming up with species and stuff, but mythological accuracy has never been particularly important to me. My preference is usually to be inspired, not constrained. *shrug* We'll see. [/quote] Oh... well if not playing as Sini was a dealbreaker for you you should have told me. I'm not super keen on duplicating a dynamic between two characters across two very similar RPs but if it's really important to you then I can let it slide. While I do prefer things to have a fairly solid base in folklore its not completely necessary, personally folklore does inspire me but if others find its just a bunch of stories they are free to use others sources for inspiration. I mean look at Terminal's Blendecs. Not exactly a historical tradition, I think the name comes from a video game. Assuming your still interested I just meant that you're really good at asking the necessary questions that I completely forget about. I wasn't trying to conscript you into doing anything [i]right now[/i] if you're busy. If you've got time down the road it would be a huge help but if not I can handle it on my own.