A level of stoicism returned to Christopher’s face. His gaze gave the man a once-over, and he suddenly had a feeling that this man was probably a little less connected to the police than he assumed. At the end of the day, Christopher assumed that staying around was the right thing to do. Maybe it was for the best that he was forced to stick around for another day, otherwise, he’d have to make this drive all the way back again the next day. With a heavy sigh, he rubbed the back of his hands and regained a solid composure. It was almost like a change in gears. A shift from the everyday frustration to his more “work-business” composure. He hid the fire from his eyes as he made one final glance at the woman across the desk, mostly to keep track of his credit card before he turned back to Carver. “Well, I suppose I can’t blame Officer Pierce for what he believes he sees, but I’ve been saying that the biology doesn’t make sense,” Chris stated, shaking his shoulders ever so slightly as the space aired out. While still talking to Carver, he side-eyed Piper for just a moment, “If you’re willing to wait a few moments, then I can follow you out of here with my own car. I suppose that it’s only right that I offer whatever information I can.” He tugged at the end of his sleeves and cracked his neck ever-so-slightly. Quickly he ran a mental checklist as ran a hand through the bag at his side. All of his paperwork should still be there, as well as the observations that he wrote down himself from before. He hadn’t really said as much as he could have at the last chance, but there was a small part of himself that related the event to something he’d seen a long time ago. An image of protruding fangs and blood flashed through his consciousness for a moment as his fingers touched the edges of his notes. There was definitely some uncanniness at play here. [@Kidd][@The Harbinger of Ferocity]