Nancy's brow furrowed. That was exactly what he had told her- that something was weird here, and that things were dangerous. Sure that was patient talk... but then why did Joshua word's echo Sasha's, about staying cautious and keeping her wits about her? People kept telling her how odd this place was... of course it was! It was on an island for crying out loud! She had thought the job posting was for movie extras at first. But this was the first time she had heard them from two totally different demographics of people within the space of only a couple hours. [color=Brown]"I highly doubt I'm in some kind of bad position. They like me now, but I haven't had to restrain any of them, or follow through on a procedure they don't want. Once I have to do that, I bet they won't trust me anymore."[/color] It was a sad thought, but true. [color=Brown]"Besides, what's so bad about the patients trusting me? That's kind of what nurses strive for. Until they get burnt out, anyway."[/color] They were nearly to the cafeteria by now and Nancy happened to glance through the door they were passing- the door into the recreation room. Xander and Sasha were in there, talking. Another patient she hadn't dealt with too much- Jocylin? Joanne? Something with a J- was playing checkers with Xander. She was glad there was [i]something[/i] for them to do. [@Polaris North]