[quote=@Buddha] [@Cynder] I have two addendums. [b]First of all I want to address that a large amount of the rape claims that are filed at the police [i]are actually not true.[/i] [/b]Before you go batshit crazy (not you specifically but anyone reading this) about how that is sexist and victim blaming (lol victim blaming plz..) let me explain why this is bad for rape victims and men. First of all if false rape claims are filed a lot more often than real rape claims, it becomes prerogative to assume a new rape claim is fake. 'Oh, most of them are fake.. this one probably is too.' Sounds mean, is reality. Police people do not see people in front of them, they see statistics and numbers. It's important to remember that. So the more false rape claims, the more skeptical people become of rape claims in general. I can attest, I am very skeptical of rape claims especially when high profile people are involved. The reason is I am a man and I imagine it's hard for women to imagine, but even a false rape claim can permanently ruin a mans life to the point of not ever getting a job ever again. If a false rape claim was ever filed against me, I'd probably never be capable of living my life out. So, I am skeptical. Guilty until proven innocent is often how it goes with rape, because the media picks up quick and they have no issue filing your full name, picture and calling you a rapist before a conviction already. So false rape claims are bad for both sides. Tumblr likes to advocate that there's no such thing as a false rape claim however so apparently I am wrong. [/quote] Citation Needed? False rape claims are absolutely a terrible thing but how are you able to determine that a majority are not true? [@Unfortunately] [img]http://izquotes.com/quotes-pictures/quote-feminism-encourages-women-to-leave-their-husbands-kill-their-children-practice-witchcraft-pat-robertson-155605.jpg[/img]