[@Dynamo Frokane] Citation depends 100% on which sources you read (duh). The research methods are also really off, and the subject groups are also too small. Scroll down to Rumney (2006) and see for yourself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_accusation_of_rape#Crown_Prosecution_Service_report_.282011.E2.80.932012.29 There has yet to be a solid research into these numbers, therefore my statement is based entirely upon my own speculation. Perhaps I should have added that, but eh. I'm convinced a large part of the 'proven' rapes are also false. Especially looking at those cases that make it into the media. Those are a big indicator for me. First of all, if someone doesn't seek the media for their rape case, I find their claim to be raped that much more believable. I don't think a real rape victim would speak to the media openly about what happened, especially if it's a celebrity. There are many case studies recently that show exactly what I mean. Media-covered 'rapes' are already discredited in my eyes.