[quote=@Buddha] [@Dynamo Frokane] Citation depends 100% on which sources you read (duh). The research methods are also really off, and the subject groups are also too small. Scroll down to Rumney (2006) and see for yourself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_accusation_of_rape#Crown_Prosecution_Service_report_.282011.E2.80.932012.29 There has yet to be a solid research into these numbers, therefore my statement is based entirely upon my own speculation. Perhaps I should have added that, but eh. I'm convinced a large part of the 'proven' rapes are also false. Especially looking at those cases that make it into the media. Those are a big indicator for me. First of all, if someone doesn't seek the media for their rape case, I find their claim to be raped that much more believable. I don't think a real rape victim would speak to the media openly about what happened, especially if it's a celebrity. There are many case studies recently that show exactly what I mean. Media-covered 'rapes' are already discredited in my eyes. [/quote] Well if the citations are speculative at best then thats not really proof is it? I see a poll from 10 years ago with some very flimsy numbers I mean the 90% false rape report only has 18 people even reporting. You say you are 'convinced' that LARGE part of proven rapes are false so what is your non-speculative non-anecdotal logic for that? And as far as the media goes I would agree that the camera spotlight allows the public to buy into a story but that is seperate from a court process or a legal standpoint, judges are trained to stay impartial from what CNN has to say, its not perfect but thats the system we have to prove or disprove anything else. And even if what you were saying were true, the amount of rapes are reported in the widespread media are only a fraction of the rapes that actually happen, most people who are raped or rapists arent celebrities and the vast majority of people dont give a shit. What you think a 'real rape victim' would do is again flimsy assumptions at best. Even if you were raped yourself, everyone thinks and behaves differently and the circumstances of each rape are wildly different. Being raped by your husband of 20 years is a different deal to being jumped buy a knife weilding rapist in a bush. And the reactions would be different accordingly. You can 'feel' however you want about what you think is true and isnt true, but dont throw around words like 'vast majority' and 'proven' unless you can do just that: Prove it.