[@Dynamo Frokane] Shieeet homie, infertile women were out-casted to death and sometimes even killed, but shiet you right. You got it, it's not comparable. You can't see infertility. Can you see homosexuality? If so, please, tell me how. Far as I know homosexuals for the most part look like you and me. Might be awkward to assume someone is homosexual and they turn out not to be. :lol How is society heteronormative? I'm curious for your interpretation. Also, do you think it's strange that society is heteronormative, given that the norm is set by the majority, and the majority is hetero? Aw shiet you just said you could tell that someone was gay. I guess you mean if they're openly holding hands and French kissing the fuck out of their partner (hot.) Yeah I agree they're normal people because actually I think homosexuality is normal (shiet, you even see it in birds. Not even because of a lack of different-sex partners but just for pleasure. Shit's crazy). You've never heard me say otherwise. I just wish that their gay prides resembled that they were regular people. Now [i]that[/i] is something I would support because that in my eyes preaches social acceptance! I strongly doubt that many people will be swayed by gay prides but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt but raise you the counter point that the anti-homosexuality front probably in the same way attracts people. As for your South Park analogy - I think that you're right. [b]But shiet you must be able to tell that South Park never had South-Park-Prides where people preached the acceptance of muh naughty words.[/b] Like I said before, preaching 'WE MUST ACCEPT THESE PEOPLE OR ELSE WE ARE BIGOTS' is not going to help their cause man.