[@shylarah] [quote][@Prince of Seraphs] The OOC says there are barriers to separate the land. A couple comments on this. Firstly, that would heavily restrict crossing and while I like this, and think that using Tuatha blood is clever, there might also be small gaps at certain times, though knowledge of them would be kept carefully -- or shrewdly sold for favor. They're probably not without risk -- might get trapped if you try at the wrong times, in some cases, or sent somewhere else entirely, possibly very far away or even in a different realm.[/quote] There are established gates for border crossings along the Boundary but the idea that it's not completely stable in some places and with the right timing you can get through in in specific areas is a rather interesting one. [quote]Secondly, with those borders in place, unless one has very powerful artifact, a lot of artifacts, a lot of Tuatha (or willingness to kill the few possessed), or a /large/ gap, it completely prevents effective warfare. Not that this isn't the point, but without some threat of actual war, tension suddenly becomes a lot less.[/quote] The Boundary is not impenetrable. Simply consistent. With enough magical power, say that which a Court Leader would have under his command it is possible to rip open massive sections of the Boundary through which to transport troops should you wish to go to war. However per Yggdrasil's agreement with the fae leaders of old the Boundary will not disappear so easily. Given time depending on the size of the incursion Yggdrasil will repair the tears in the border. Which means that warfare while a definite possibility is not something to be undertaken lightly. It costs a lot of resources to get large amounts of troops through the Boundary which is another reason why the Court leaders turn to more subtle ways of dealing with opposition in other courts, small gorilla groups, sabotaged transport lanes, embargoes, assassinations. The kind of things that don't require as many people. Also the Tuatha who's blood is used to gain entrance to the Boundary has to be both alive and present so no one harvests Tuatha's for their blood, they must instead keep them in their employ. [quote]I JUST READ THE NEVER ISLES STUFF AND HOLY CRUD IT'S NEVERLAND, PETER PAN, AND GAAAH! *flail* excellent interpretation. ^.^ Although, given the way I usually portray sprites and pixies, Tinkerbell would be...well, appearancewise, a sprite, but the whole chiming bell thing I've never used. ^.^;; Might have to rethink that, if I want a sprite or pixie char. Their ability to get into trouble -- at least with Lei -- is so much /fun/. Save that she's bound to Max in the other rp. *sigh*[/quote] I've always thought of Tinkerbell (Belladona) as a pixie but the two do share a number of commonalities. I'm thinking in this interpretation that really old pixies gain the ability to alter their size which I think would sort of add to Bella's intimidation factor. She's a small cute little pixie... till you get her mad, then she's seven feet with a look of death in her eyes. [quote]Speaking of, what are your rules on half-fey, changelings, and magic among humans?[/quote] I haven't thought it out completely yet. I'm still working on the definitions for some of the courts so that seemed like a minor detail till I have the basic environment set out. My gut feeling at the moment is that none true bloods or humans with magical abilities is severely limited either in commonality or potency (haven't decided which). I'll get to work on that once I get some of the more immediate details sorted. [quote]Also love the bit about Arthur and Merlin. <3 *wriggles*[/quote] Thank you, will likely be adding to that in due course. [quote]...I'm kinda tempted to give a mortal bard the gift of permanent life and youth, but in exchange neither he nor his songs will ever gain fame, but that'd be more a Mortal Realm kind of thing. *stuffs the idea in the slush pile* [/quote]