[hider=The Knight][center][h3][i]Edmund Redwood[/i][/h3][/center] [center][b][color=662d91]Appearance:[/color][/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4b/4f/6c/4b4f6c1edd35cbb3058024f5f67448ab.jpg[/img] [sup]Edmund in full armor.[/sup] [b][color=662d91]Time Period:[/color][/b] 1445 [b][color=662d91]Age:[/color][/b] 37 [b][color=662d91]Height:[/color][/b] 5'10" [b][color=662d91]Weight:[/color][/b] 160 lbs [b][color=662d91]Favourite Weapon:[/color][/b] Flail [b][color=662d91]Bio/Personality:[/color][/b] Born the third son of a baron, Edmund Redwood was a squire of little renown, his elder brothers Walter and Robert being knights and nobles of high standing. Edmond's father Achard was a well known supporter of the house of Lancaster, holding many a royal office and serving at Agincourt alongside King Henry the Fifth. At the battle of Verneuil he was squiring for a knight of King Henry the Sixth's retinue, a large man, with smarts comparable to that of a goat. During the battle, squire and knight charged a spear-wall, a move that cost the knight his life. Thrown to the ground, Edmund grabbed the fallen knight's flail and began smashing through the spearmen, one at a time. Despite taking wounds, Edmund demonstrated just how fast a knight in full armor could actually be, more than keeping up with the leather armored spearmen, smashing in skulls, and, along with the survivors of that same charge which had cost Edmund a master, defeating nearly the entire unit with little help. For his valor and skill, Edmund was knighted by the king himself. Settling down and having two children with an Elanor Triston, Edmund lived peacefully and without conflict. Despite this, an unknown group of assassins stormed his home. Edmund managed to kill four of them, but a knife cut brought an infection that no amount of bloodletting could stop. Pale and coughing up phlegm and pus, Edmund spent his last moments reading a letter sent from the Duke of York, an enticement to join his service for an unstated purpose. With his dying breaths, Edmund told his wife to write to York, as he himself was too weak to write, he dictated a scathing assault on York for daring to suggest he challenge his loyalty to the house of Lancaster, finishing the statement with a "You must have learned many lessons in cowardice from the French, Duke Richard." Expiring soon after finishing the letter, Edmund was startled to realize he was still alive, and had awoke in a place between worlds, fully armored and on horseback. Edmund has a great want for attention, is very loud and boastful, greedy and not one to give anything to anyone. Despite this, Edmund is kind and has a strong sense of justice, and, unlike many of his peers, his boasts have solid backing, for Edmund is a skilled warrior, especially when wielding a flail. Flails were often known to knights as the hardest of their weaponry to use effectively, due to their unique construction and often pattern-less motion, these exact reasons are why Edmund excels with the flail, while the movements may seem random and uncontrollable, Edmund knows exactly where the head is, how bent the chain is, and how to make it hit harder.[/center][/hider]