[center][b][h1]SALUTE TO THE FALLEN[/h1][/b][/center] [center][img]https://s11.postimg.org/97z47ug43/World_003.png[/img][/center] [b][u]May 16th[/u][/b] The Foreign Minister of the [b][color=red]Kingdom of Blutland[/color][/b], Edmund Kühn, who is avidly pro-[b][color=beige]Seljuk[/color][/b], personally hands King Arnold Von Titanus his resignation. "[i]It is a stellar thing to turn one's back against Empire, when it is a battle we had only just emerged from ourselves. Supporting dissidents because they worship a different God, or wear different clothes is no different then supporting Antarian dissidents in Blutland or Blutlandic dissidents in Antari.[/i]" [b][u]May 17th[/u][/b] The Seljuki foreign attaché reminds the Saurilians that their foreign military observers will not be in harms way. Later that day, the three men: Sveen Aal, Jacob Morland, and Mari Teslow board the [i]Kulthus[/i] steamer, headed around the Zellonian coast toward Seljuk. [b][u]May 18th[/u][/b] The Sultanate of the [b][color=beige]Seljuk Empire[/color][/b] campaigns for the war effort, hoping to collect donations and find willing recruits. Instead, in the Seljuk capital--students and impoverished workers begin to gather in protest. [b][u]May 19th[/u][/b] The first Otto Mark II rifles begin arriving in Karalia, where grateful--and overwhelmingly under equipped militia--immediately equip themselves. The Tyro-Karalian border becomes a hotbed of smuggling activities where Karalians trade anything they can find for whatever supplies local Tyrians will barter for. [b][u]May 20th[/u][/b] A minor skirmish breaks out at the Kasmus River, where 750 Karalian militia attempt to cross the river during a brief sandstorm and attack a Seljuk garrison there of the [i]Birinci Nizamiye Fırkası[/i] (First Infantry Division). The soldiers there, equipped with 5 of the 60 Saurilian Havka machine guns, return fire and kill over 350 of the Karalians, who retreat immediately. The Seljuk report zero casualties. [center][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-1G0zGgN4cfo/VABuexKGsUI/AAAAAAAAgOE/I5gpzAppgvw/s1600/GAZA%2BWWI%2B03.jpg[/img] [i]Seljukii defensive positions, 1910[/i][/center]