[b]Name[/b]: IF [b]Universe[/b]: Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Appearance] [img]https://oriwiki.net/images/thumb/e/ec/%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%90%ED%94%84_IF_Adult.png/300px-%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EC%97%90%ED%94%84_IF_Adult.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: IF is a knowledgeable person, used to traveling on her own and relying on her self. She can be overconfident when it comes to areas that she has a lot of knowledge in, and can be pretty headstrong when it comes down to it. She tends to plan out things and accomplish them in her own way, which can lead to problems when she is being dragged into ding things that she doesn't think help accomplish her own objectives, or those of the group. She does have a sarcastic side to her, but is ultimately a good person who will do the right thing. Has a bit of wanderlust, due to not really knowing what it's like to have a home. Annoyed by the conversation topic of chest size, and has a serious addiction to her cell phone. Nonetheless, when the chips are down she will stand by her friends through thick and thin. [b]Abilities[/b]: [i]Demon Flames[/i] - A series of explosions rip through an area before a pillar of fire rises from the ground to burn anything caught inside it. Magical based, and it deals fire damage as you might expect [i]La Delphinus[/i] - Another area of effect attack that causes a pillar of light to rise from the ground, striking anything inside. [i]Green Nova [/i]- A skill that allows her to heal a single target of damage they have suffered. Can fully heal broken limbs, scratches, but more significant damage requires additional time and energy that she may not have in a battlefield situation. [i]Apocalypse Nova[/i] - IF's ultimate attack, this can only be pulled off when she has sufficiently charged up with energy. Bolts of energy are thrown out that explode on contact with the ground or a target, which she then follows up with a solid energy laced punch, before delivering a final vertical slice of energy for significant damage. [b]Alliance[/b]: Team Charmeine [b]Other[/b]: [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Ulith [b]Universe[/b]: WIXOSS [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://www.anime-planet.com/images/characters/ulith_59775.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Ulith is not a nice person, showing sadistic and potentially outright sociopathic tendencies, while being somewhat stuck up at the same time. She is a skilled manipulator who delights in the suffering of others, though she is more than capable of long term planning to achieve that end. She is in this for herself, and that is all there is to it. [b]Abilities[/b]: [i]Magic[/i] - Ulith has the ability to draw upon offensive shadow magic, which allows her to throw out purplish blasts of magic at a foe. She can also use it to create a shield for herself or someone else, though it can be overwhelmed with sufficient applied force. [i]Blood Dance[/i] - Tied to her magical ability, Ulith can generate a nexus point, from which she can unleash bolts of red lightning to strike her foes. This draws upon energy to use and does not last very long, but she can use it to strike more than one foe at a time. [i]Swordplay[/i] - While Ulith is adept at unarmed combat, she also has quite a bit of skill in the usage of bladed weapons. This is useful thanks to her ability to use her magic to create a sword for herself, though it is otherwise unremarkable beyond being a blade. [i]Superhuman Abilities[/i] - Due to the nature of her existence, Ulith is somewhat beyond a normal human, both in terms of reflexes and speed, as well as strength and durability. This comes at the expense of increased energy usage, and after battles she will need some time to recover before she can effectively fight again. [b]Alliance[/b]: Team Zuriel [b]Other:[/b]