Piper frowned a bit, eyeing Carver. So much for answers. Still, she played along: everyone needed an oil change every now and again, and Jimmy's Autoshop had its fair share of local customers. Piper and her co-workers had heard all sorts of stories. "I've heard to stay outta the woods," she summed up before continuing. "That there are rabid wolves or hungry bears in the area. Teenagers. Government cover-up of bigfoot--or something." Her eyes dropped to feign interest in the scribbled paperwork, lips pursed. "Could be anything, I guess." She did honestly pass on the rumors, but she had no opinion herself quite yet. Or at least none she wanted to share. "All's we got around here is gossip from paranoid townies with big guns. What are [i]you[/i] guys thinking?" she questioned, gaze raising again. Her expression had changed into something yet to be seen on the woman's face, even when she should have been sympathetic with an angry customer: she had already expressed her curiosity but now she seemed concerned. Or maybe her head was throbbing again, who knew? The computer beeped at her and she flinched, suddenly on edge again. Sighing at herself, she turned to crouch at a cabinet behind the desk. There she would comb through a few sets keys until she found the set to match his car. Piper placed Chris' card, keys, and a receipt at the edge of table for him to retrieve. "Because unless you're confirming something the rumor mill is dishing out, I don't see why the police need a second and third opinion." She looked from one man to the other, indicating the unnecessary two and three. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@RedXCross]