Chris wasn’t surprised that the information was being passed around wasn’t quite accurate. A lack of accurate information resulted in speculation and rumors. It was the same with anything. People needed conclusions and answers for stability. Without them, they would try to make their own in order to comprehend the situation. Christopher walked back to the desk and gathered his things as his attention turned back to Carver. Gossip. Chris’ hand held the keys in a tight fist. That would only cause some level of paranoia to waft through the already superstitious area. “In situations like these, Piper; sometimes a professional needs to be called in to apply their own specific knowledge,” Chris explained with a condescending tone, “and when it comes to animals, there are few that can match my knowledge.” In a few careful gestures, he slid his card back into his pocket and tested the button on his keys. He could hear a click from the other end of the garage. “Bigfoot may not be too far off the mark…” he mumbled under his breath as he stepped out towards the garage. He stopped beside Carver for only a second. “I’ll follow you to the station, I suppose. If it’s possible, I’d like to get this fixed up as soon as possible. I have another surgery set for Saturday, and I’d prefer that my office doesn’t reschedule it.” He started walking to his car, and he was well aware of the snickering that was coming from behind his back. Part of him was begging desperately for one of them to do something… [i]anything[/i] that could warrant him kicking their asses. But they were smart. They kept the snickers and the judgement to himself as Chris walked up to his car. It wasn’t anything special. A used car with boring paint and an average mileage for a car is age. The next investment would have to be a little pricier. He would much prefer to get something with a longer lifespan to prevent interruptions like this in the future. [@Kidd] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]