[quote=@Lugubrious] How's this, then? [b]Name:[/b] Olivie Carreau [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Starting Location:[/b] Central City [b]Rank:[/b] Beginner [b]Organization:[/b] N/A [b]Trainer Points:[/b] 0 [b]Occupation:[/b] Waitress [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a 5'6”, Olivie is of slightly above average stature in most respects. Her waist-length, chestnut brown hair, held back except for two large bangs on either side of her head by a blue hairband, perfectly matches her brown eyes. With thin but dark eyesbrows, short eyelashes, and unassuming features, hers is a face that can easily be called 'pretty'. However, in one respect she's rather remarkable: Olivie is naturally uncommonly busty for a young woman her size, which serves as both a blessing and a curse. The black sports leggings she most commonly wears are made of a machine-woven breathable cloth that shines almost like rubber. A matching undershirt most often accompanies it, and Olivie favors wearing over it a sky-blue collared jacket buttoned on the right side. Since it restricts her arm movement somewhat, she keeps the sleeve of her dominant right arm rolled up. Of course, even this specially-tailored jacket does not completely fit her, and the upper buttons find themselves a little bit strained. On her right leg she wears a brace that holds her item pouches, and her exposed right forearm features both a black elbow brace and a black fingerless glove. [hider=Visual][img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/ac93/th/pre/f/2016/220/7/0/pokemon_story__daisy_2_0_wip_by_midnitez_remix-dacrbvi.png[/img][/hider] [b]Biography:[/b] From an early age, the sun always seemed to shine for Olivie. Described by her parents as a 'joyous child', she made made friends through her early years, contributing a sort of boundless energy to whatever atmosphere she found herself in. In school she did well enough, never coming close to topping the class but still managing to stay one step ahead of the curve. Things began to change for her in high school, however. In a time when that dogged teenage pursuer Puberty was hitting her friends like so many trucks, a lucky shine shone on Olivie. Like the proverbial flower she bloomed into a natural beauty—though very quickly she found the supposed dream-come-true to be a nightmare. One by one, Olivie's old friends turned away from her. Some were forced to leave her by circumstance, but many grew jealous of her looks and the attention lavished on her. Olivie, however, wanted none of it. Suddenly she found herself plagued by strangers all the time, the least problem of which was the staring. New 'friends' swarmed to her, pushing aside her old chums, but none of these newcomers truly valued the lighthearted, joyous young woman that nobody seemed to see any more. Olivie appeared in the school newspaper, acted in the school play, and so forth, but even awash in all that attention she never felt more alone. In fact, she felt truly miserable. Some called her 'fake', labeling her shallow or superficial, comparing her disdainfully to idealized dolls, and mocking the 'unrealistic standards' that she seemed to embody. Those who did think highly of her, Olivie knew, did not do it out of regard for who she really was. Yet throughout all this, Olivie did her best to earn the approval of everybody. In her senior year, after a particularly confidence-shattering episode where three of her former friends ambushed her with pails of trash, knocked her down, and dumped the garbage over her, Olivie snapped. Knowing that she couldn't be a doormat any longer, she became angry. Suddenly, rather than smiling at the condescending remarks hurled at her, she spit fire back. No jeer went unpunished. Ardently she defended herself, becoming overemotional and impulsive as if to compensate for the hesitant, calm self from before. Were she not as pretty as ever, in fact, she would have seemed exactly like a punkish hoodlum. People began giving her a wide berth, calling her crazy under their breath but not wanting to mess with her any longer. Solitude suited Olivie just fine. To control her anger she joined up with Central City Gym's mixed martial arts center, where she doggedly worked to improve herself three times a week. By the time her nineteenth birthday rolled around, Olivie was a changed woman: done with school, employed as a waitress, and above all, confident in herself. Somehow she'd regained the vivaciousness of her childhood, and though at her core she remained the friendly and considerate person she'd always been, she now spoke and acted with unrestrained emotion. Along the way she even earned a few new friends, and won back a few old ones, but all the same waitressing never truly suited her. When her parents presented her with a Pokeball for her nineteenth birthday, Olivie realized that she'd been missing something all along. [b]Personality:[/b] There are two sides to Olivie. In her most natural state, she is outgoing, considerate, upbeat, and even enthusiastic. This is tempered, however, by near crippling self-consciousness. Prone to overthinking nearly everything and always inclined to think the worst of herself, she is especially concerned with what other people think of her. She wants to be valued, respected, and liked by everybody, but her natural good looks have created a quandary for her, as detailed in her backstory. All of this sparked a profound change in her late teens. Olivie decided to end her anxiety by burying it between a new attitude. Rather than bright but meek, she opted to be aggressive and assertive, even thuggish at times. Now, instead of allowing herself to be crushed by criticism, plagued by indecision, and mired in a lack of confidence, she overflows with confidence, makes choices boldly, and is quick to defend herself. This includes getting into fights, which Olivie is by no means loathe to do. Her heart is one restraining itself no longer. [b]Feel free to add extra info:[/b] Obviously, Olivie is fairly attractive, so it wouldn't make much sense if no characters addressed this realistically. Due to her impulsive and brash personality, Olivie [i]will[/i] attempt to personally beat up wild Pokemon that attack her. [b]Pokemon Caught Ever:[/b] 0 [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] N/A [b]Pokemon Reserves:[/b] N/A [b]Inventory:[/b] 2/10 Poke Ball x1 [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/50/11/49/501149e97ab110d384e5aefc3b0259cc.jpg]Fighting gloves[/url] [/quote] You, uh, may want to move that to the CS tab. That's where he does his reviews.