[hider=Alan Carpenter] [center][color=GoldenRod][h1][b][i]~Alan Carpenter~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/ukTbvoCfYIbfO/giphy.gif[/img] [h3][i]"The day you die is worth living for."[/i] ~ Alan Carpenter.[/h3] [h3][i][b]~General Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Alan Carpenter. [b]Nick-Names:[/b] Fly Boy, Horus. [b]Sex/ Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Age:[/b] 18. [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] Little Rock, Arkansas. [b]Camp Cabin:[/b] Cabin Six - Hermes. [b]Appearance - Eighteen Years Old:[/b] [img]http://luxfon.com/images/201506/luxfon.com_37218.jpg[/img] [h3][i][b]~Relationship Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual. [b]Partner:[/b] None. [b]Ex-Partner:[/b] None. [b]Godly Parent:[/b] Hermes. [b]Human Parent:[/b] Cybil Carpenter - Contortionist and acrobat in the circus. Married to the ring leader and Alan's step-father, Jack Carpenter. [b]Siblings:[/b] Luke Castellan (Older Half-Brother/ Deceased), Chris Rodriguez (Older Half-Brother/ Camp Alumni), Connor Stoll (Older Half-Brother/ Camp Alumni), Travis Stoll (Older Half-Brother/ Camp Alumni), Cecil Markowitz (Older Half-Brother/ Camp Alumni), Hawley Eames Griffin (Older Half-Brother), Octavia Ramírez-Arellano (Younger Half-Sister), Magnolia Hartford (Younger Half-Sister) [b]Legacy:[/b] Eros - God of love. [b]Pet/s:[/b] Growing up in the circus, Alan considers all of the animals, ranging from monkeys to tigers to elephants, his pets. Although he has none in camp with him. He does, however, volunteer a lot of his time to the stables and helps out looking after the Pegasi. [h3][i][b]~Personal Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Personality:[/b] Alan has a very positive outlook on life and is generally a very easy-going kind of guy. Having been subjected to a rather poor lifestyle, constantly surrounded by the smell of shit and sweaty bodies, Alan has always taken the little things in life for full value. The smell of a flower, the feeling of a gentle breeze rolling over his skin, the soft touch of a woman... He is most often times a quiet sort of guy when it comes to day to day activities, however when he uses his shoes to fly, his whoops and hollers of excitement can be heard all throughout the camp. Most of his (male) companions in both the circus and camp poke a bit of fun at him for being overly sensitive, but Alan's thick skin and playful personality doesn't take their teasing negatively, though in the more quiet times in his life, he does wonder if perhaps they might be right. He's got a very adventurous spirit about him, always wanting to make each show or quest he does different and more exciting and while it can be dangerous, Alan finds that he practically craves the adrenaline rush he gets at the very idea that injury could very much be a thing. This makes him a bit reckless at times though at face-value, Alan tends to be more calm and calculated on the outside. [b]Strengths:[/b] His acrobatic skills he learned in the circus gave Alan the art of timing, able to calculate jumps and honed his reflexes into something superior to avoid injury. Tightrope walking and the trapeze being his two main events, he learned these very quickly and has only gotten better and more fluid in his movements as a performer. [b]Biography:[/b] Alan was born and raised into a family deep into the traveling circus business, and was raised in the carny lifestyle. As a kid, Alan was tasked with caring and cleaning up after the animals though eventually worked his way up to aerial acrobatics. His parents were amazed at just how natural Alan acted when it came to heights. Even when the trapeze artists tried to discourage the young boy from the dangerous act by having him join them in practice, including jumps (with a safety net), twists, grabs and so on, Alan only grew to love the sport even more. So in the air he stayed and as he grew older, became one of the most famous aerial acrobats. The nickname "Horus" was given to him by his fellow trapeze group, joking about how he was a "God" of aerial acrobatics. Alan went with the jest, finding the humor in it himself and found himself rather liking the nickname, though there was something just not quite right about it. As he grew from a youth into a man, strange things began to happen. So strange, in fact, that during the middle of a show, Alan's vision blurred for a few moments before he was suddenly able to see things with the utmost precision and clarity, over twice as well as he had been able to before. He could hear heartbeats - hundreds at a time. He could even see in fine detail the dirt under his partner's fingernails as his calloused hands reached out to grab him. It all happened in a split second, but it was enough to throw him off balance in his jump and ended up missing his partners hands, falling into the safety net below. That in itself had been humiliating, and after trying to explain what had happened to his friends and parents, they shrugged it off as some sort of "you need more sleep" explanation. But the weird only kept coming. He would be backstage, helping to clean up the previous shows act when he saw the Strong-Man speaking with one of the jugglers. Normally, this would be an every day occurrence and for a year or so, people within the circus began pestering the Strong-Man about asking her out already. But as Alan paused to witness their conversation, something just wasn't feeling right to him. Instead, he began to imagine the Strong-Man with someone of a much more delicate nature, someone that hadn't yet been brought into the carny lifestyle. The thought was so intense, so realistic, that Alan was forced to shut his mind off before he began to grow sick. He ran from the scene, and made it back into his trailer in record time. Just a few seconds, in fact, when he knew prior that normally it would have taken him a couple of minutes. Pushing aside the whole instance as a fever, Alan put himself to bed early, and waited for the new morning. Fate had something else in store for him. A cyclops attacked their camp just a few moments before dawn. After realizing that this wasn't just some carny joke, Alan sprung to action, at first running from the beast as he wasn't sure what to do. The Cyclops, for some reason, seemed trained on him, but after making sure his mother and step-father were safe (his running faster than normal coming into play), Alan made a decision that if it was he that the monster was after, then he needed to protect his large, carny family. Before taking off, however, Alan's mother stopped him, and pleaded that he follow her quickly as there was something she wanted to show him. Reluctant at first, Alan obliged and followed his mother to her trailer where she handed him a small, pocket-sized multi tool that would usually belong on a key chain. Skeptical, Alan took it, and with a little instruction from his mother, the multi-tool transformed into a bow in the likes and craftsmanship he had never before seen. Alan's mother went on to tell him that it was a gift that was left behind for him some years ago, and that it would come into play when he needed it most. Not having much else to go on, Alan accepted the bow, and went to confront the monster. A quiver with three arrows appeared on his back, but not having much time to be able to question anything anymore, Alan took to the circus and on his third attempt, managed to stick the cyclops in the eye with one of the fast-moving arrows. The carnies were safe, but Alan had questions. Together, Alan's mother and step-father sat him down and began to explain the years-long legacy that had been created from the time he was conceived. He learned that his father was Hermes, the messenger god, and that Eros, god of love, had taken quite a shine to him over the years and not only blessed him as an infant, but left gifts for him over the years to his mother - most recently being the bow he had used to slay the cyclops. It was a bit of an emotional conversation between Alan and his parents, as he had never even heard whispers of his true father before until then. And then, learning that he was a god, and that his powers were starting to manifest and attract monsters... it was almost too much. Alan's mother then handed him over a pamphlet with tears staining her cheeks. Another "gift" from Eros (Alan was starting to consider the god of love more of a father figure than his true father. At least Eros showed an inkling of interest in him, even from afar), Alan read the pamphlet over carefully and within the hour, decided on what he needed to do. Camp Half-Blood was his next stop, wanting more answers that his parents could not provide him with. He was claimed shortly after by Hermes with a box of flying shoes left on his bed he had been staying in (ironically enough, in the Hermes house) and has been residing there ever since. However, unlike most of the other campers, Alan is only there for a few months during the year, as he has not been able to pull himself away from the carny lifestyle completely as of yet. [h3][i][b]~Demigod Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Demigod Abilities:[/b] [I][b]Love Sense:[/b] One of two abilities given to him by the God, Eros, Alan is able to look at a person and get a vague depiction of the kind of person they are meant to be with. If such a person is around, he is able to sway emotions just slightly in their favor as a sort of push to help them fall in love. Unfortunately, he is unable to use this ability on himself. If he happened to be someone's type, even if sitting right next to them, he would never know. [b]Archery:[/b] The second, more prominent ability that Alan was given by Eros is near perfect archery skills. He also excels in other target-precise/shooting-based activities such as basketball or football, and aerial acrobatics. He has been known to be able to split his own arrows in half on a target, and be able to shoot an apple off of someone's head while blindfolded. Because of his natural demigod abilities of heightened senses like sight, his range has been measured to around 500 meters before his accuracy starts to wane. [B]Athletics:[/b] As the son of the god of Athletics, Alan has a naturally enhanced athletic ability. [B]Enhanced Speed:[/b] Like his father, Alan has an incredible amount of speed and when wearing his father's shoes, can even reach supersonic speeds. He can use this ability even to run on walls and ceilings. [b]Flight:[/b] Thanks to his father's shoes that were gifted to him in his first days at Camp Half-Blood, Alan is able to take to the skies and fly for long periods of time. The altitude changes do not affect him as it would others, and is able to reach limits up and into the clouds before the temperature drop and lack of oxygen slowly start to effect him. [B]Prophecy:[/b] Inspired by his own fathers ability of being able to roll dice to predict the future, Alan has been working hard on this birth-given ability to refine it into something more. But just like his love sense ability, he is unable to use this on himself, nor can he predict himself in other peoples futures.[/i] [h3][i][b]~Weaponry Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Weapon/s:[/b] Alan is quick, so if his enemy can not see him, he can not be hurt. Alan uses his speed and quick reflexes to gain the advantage on an opponent, and with his near-perfect archery skills can be quite a force to be reckoned with on the battle field, however Alan has never shot to kill or severely injure. His style is much more catching the baggy part of their clothing and pinning them to a wall. [b]Weapon/s Name:[/b] Swiftwind [b]Weapon/s Type:[/b] Bow [b]Attributes:[/b] Speed (arrow travels faster than normal) [hider=Weapon Appearance] [b]Weapon/s Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.archery-forum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=4572&d=1354357848[/img] [/hider] [h3][i][b]~Other Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Other:[/b] [b]Materializing arrows:[/b] Since Alan can't be expected to carry around a quiver of arrows on his back at all times, his bow has been modified so that when a simple multi-tool he has in his pocket is activated to Swiftwind, a quiver and arrows will materialize on his back. It is still in the works, but Alan is currently limited to five arrows in his quiver as of date. [h3][i][b]~Theme Song~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Theme Song:[/b] Higher - Taio Cruz [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI7aw0mlTrc[/youtube] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dXhVyDQ.gif[/img] [/color] [/center] [/hider]