Sasha watched the doorway that looked into the cafeteria. He could see one of the guard's eyes glaze over them as they spoke. It was the one with the dog. He didn't linger on them, however, which made Sasha feel a bit more at ease. The woman, Jocylin he thought her name was, replied to his offered statement rather quickly. He was glad he wasn't the only one who paid attention around here. "You know, in the Ground Forces, they taught us to read stars. In case we ever got lost in the wilderness, we could find our location pretty accurately." The statement seemed out of the blue, but Sasha knew just where he was going with it. "Now that was years ago, and I haven't done much stargazing since then, but I thought maybe I could get back into it. I noticed an astrology book in the library last time I was there. It might be fun to do a little brushing up." He pulled his left leg up to rest on his right knee, looking pretty damn comfortable. Deep down, it felt good to be making schemes again. This kind of talk reminded him of the long nights spent with his men, formulating attack strategies and mission plans. That had always been his favorite part; it was like putting together a very interesting puzzle. All that was missing was the copious amounts of booze and it was the good ol' days all over again.