Despite Jasper's best efforts to show her power, all she got from Isei was a mocking grin and a mildly strained chuckle. Had she not been so obviously furious, she might have noticed that the martial artist did not fight her attack in any way. A grab at the neck or the collar was such a common attack that it was one of the first things novices were taught to defend against, surely an experienced hand to hand fighter would know how to counter such a simple thing. Had she been calmer, she might have noticed that Isei's neck was harder than rock and her fingers found no give in the man's flesh despite the pressure they applied. Had she not been so frustrated, so clouded by unnecessary thoughts in battle, she might've noticed that Isei seemed oddly weightless as she lifted him. She might've noticed that he had eased all her motions along, cooperating with her rather than resisting, and by doing so had easily put himself in a position to break his fall, a skill called ukemi. Rather than slam against the ground full-force, he had managed to distribute the impact across the non-critical parts of his already tough body to achieve a minimum of discomfort. Any impact noise was caused by slapping his hands and his feet against the floor as part of the technique. Isei had raised all of those points before, and now he had one more to add to his "lesson". Had Jasper not impulsively tried to make him suffer, she might've taken stock that Isei was still in position to defend himself. After all, only a minute portion of his body was under any sort of lock. One of his hands grabbed hold of Jasper's wrist to control her arm and help pull it away, the other grabbed at her thumb to pry her grip off and let him free his neck. Hard for a thumb to compete against a whole hand, after all. Still smiling at Jasper, without letting go of her arm, he tucked his legs in between them so his knees pointed right at her. All this happened in a microsecond, simple motions performed with practiced polish. And then, the finish. Isei's feet shot up and slammed against Jasper's abdomen as he himself rolled backwards on the floor while still holding on to her arm until the last second for added control. With the gem trying to set her weight down on him to crush him, the unbalancing and breaking of her posture along with Isei's added force and use of leverage would cause her to [url=]flip right over his head[/url] in a most humiliating fashion, leaving Isei free to lie back comfortably on the floor and resume [url=]the nonchalant resting posture[/url] she had first found him in. "Ohohoho, I do believe the term warrior is much too good for you", he said, stroking his beard and clearly pleased with himself. "A tool is what you are, and a tool you shall be until you strive to be better!". [@BringBack1996]