[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Cf16fPh.png?1[/img][/center] Rasa was enjoying the wind on her skin, there in front of here on the horizon she could see the Kanto Region. Her adventure would start in less than a day. The travel on the ship took a while, but she didnt mind it all too much. She got to know quite a few of the passengers. Some sharing the stories about their own pokemon some more fascinating some more sounding like fisherman tales. Not that all fisherman over do their tales, but a lot she knew did. "I see you are excited, young one." A old gentlemen smiled at her his Arbok wrapping her hands around the man shoulder lazily watching out into the ocean. With her luck she just had to run into a person who knew her sister. Mr. Goldkorn was visiting his grandchild who worked in a pokemart there. He didnt waste time to tell Rasa how impressed he was with her sister skill, and how great of a help she was in catching the runaway ponyta of his grandchild. But even so, Rasa kinda liked him, he knew a lot about pokemon and spoke how discovering them is the greatest experience ever. "Of course I am. I wonder which pokemon will Professor Oak have for me to choose." "Hmm. I heard he started giving a greater variety out then a few years ago. So it will truly be a surprise. Have you debated which name you will give your team? " "I limited it on two chooses." "You sister choose of Rose Knight suited her well. It brings luck as well to choose it even before your first pokemon." "I know,I know. I will make up my mind and it will be amazing, just you wait and see Mr. Goldkorn." The man chuckled at Rasa response. "Please before you go for your seventh badge please do visit me. I would like to see how much you have grown as a trainer." His Arbok hissed at that idea approvingly adding. "Pleasssse do~ I will love to give a bite or two to your little teammatesss~" "Okay, but be warned I will win." The ship soon after that docked and Rasa with her bag packed felt a tiny bit lost. Mostly because she didnt know where to go next. She kinda forgot to ask Goldkorn about actual directions to pallet town. So she stopped a lady asking her that. "Ah, a new trainer. Go to Tommy he will fly you there. " Tommy was a young flying type trainer. His Pidgeot was massive and looked down at Rasa once she approached them. It was as well her first time seeing a pidgeot in its full glory. "Oi, whats up girlly? Want to ask me out on a date, but a meowth stole your tongue?" Tommy winked and Rasa shook her head. Completely ignoring the comment. "I was pointed here by a lady. Can you take me to pallet town? I have to ..." "...start my pokemon adventure and be the very best like no one else. I hear at least six variation on that a week. Either way, thats my job, you know earning a pokedollar on the side. " Tommy interrupted her jumping to the side and starting to add security straps on his pokemon. Rasa paid the price for a one way fly and watched him work. She could tell he was experienced in his movement. "First time flying?" Tommy asked, Rasa nodded. "Dont worry. Piglet here is a amazing flyer. He will make it smooth. So what is your and yours team name? So I can boast how I fly the future champion?" "I am Rasa Elenua." She watched Tommy go around his pokemon adding the last strap and she pulled a coin and throw it on the fast. It landed on the head. Hiding it in her pocket she added then. "Stormbringer." Flying was amazing, she could see the forest under her and sometimes even pokemon roaming around. It was one of the most impressive experiences she had. Tommy wished her luck and fly back to see if any other trainer needed his services, and Rasa was determined the moment she could she would teach one of her pokemon fly her around. Thougth that may take it time. She went into the Pallet town inn as it was already evening. She couldnt sleep, nope there was no way she would sleep. She spent most of the night thinking about what her partner will be like and who the other trainers would be who start tomorrow like her. Will they become friends? Rovarls? Would they take the pokemon she wanted? Will they battle. The morning came and after she had a healthy big breakfast she hurried to professors Oak lab. One couldnt really miss it. The Professor was friendly and took them in front of a table with pokeballs. The other trainers looked serious and determined. Well nearly all of them. One boy simply grabbed the pokeball closest to him and went directly to the assistant. Rasa took a bit more time and picked her own partner. Thougth she planned not to introduce herself to the pokemon yet. She didnt want to do it in a lab. She wanted the place they first meet face to face be a bit more nicer. That part done, she couldnt help then overhear what was happening. She commented loudly to herself. "No pokeballs? I really wonder how will he take his fainted pokemon back to the pokecenter if he dont plan to take them inside the pokeballs. Doesnt look strong enough t carry more than one and even that... " She shrugged. She did hear from her sister there were trainers out there who wouldnt allow their pokemon to faint, and then if they did faint they would release them into the wild. She found that weird. She walked beside the boy and tapped him on the shoulder. "I am Rasa, and we are now rivals, right. Next time we see each other I would love to battle your vulpix. " [@Raijinslayer]