[center][h3]Rylen | Dune City - Noon[/h3] [@EWillden][@Heckno12][@Sketcher][@Tangletail] [/center] [hider=Team] [img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/larvitar.gif[/img] LV: [17] Ability: Guts Item: N/A Moves: - Bite - Chip Away - Sandstorm - Screech [img]http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/rufflet.gif[/img] LV: [14] Ability: Sheer Force Item: N/A Moves: - Fury Attack - Peck - Hone Claws - Wing Attack [/hider] [hider=Inventory] [list][*] Wallet - 1800P [*]x5 Pokeballs [*]x5 Potions [/list] [/hider] Healing up at the police station as they had the healing machine until the Pokemon Center was back up and running, which when he asked, was estimated tomorrow afternoon it would be open, but construction would still be going for another day or two in order to finish the rest of the facilities. He can believe that, they'd made incredible progress in a small span of a few hours. He headed back to camp, and was wondering what should be made for lunch, although... He seemed to be mostly the only one here. He walked back here with Leo, who he ran into at the police station. [color=orange]"So, Leo was it? Should we make some lunch for everyone coming back soon? Beating the gym leader's given me quite a bit of money"[/color], he asked.