Alexis was inside the cemetery as always at this time of the day. She looked at the Ghost Pokemon that where there with love. She loved those Ghost Pokemons. She lived in the cemetery as long as she remembered , yes , some villagers wanted to adopt her and give her a home and a bed but she refused every time. An old man gave her a tent and that was her house since she was a child. The other children saw her as strange but she didn't care , she only cared about Pokemons. As she left the cemetery she heard some children talking about Professor's Oak Pokemon distribution and then she remembered. " [color=tomato] Today ? It's today ! YES ! [/color] " she yelled. She quickly gone back to her tent and got some clean cloths and ran towards the Professor's Oak lab. She entered there and saw more soon-to-be trainers there. All looking like her , happy to make their first move in the Pokemon training business. She went to the attendant and asked for a Pokeball with a Pokemon inside it. He directed her to the place where the Pokemon awaited their new masters and she looked closely at all the Pokeballs available. She closed her eyes and muttered a prayer. With her eyes still closed , she moved her hand over the Pokeballs and finally chose one. She was excited. She wanted to see what Pokemon she got. She wanted a Ghost-type Pokemon but she wasn't sure if the Pokeball contained one but she was ready to raise another Pokemon if needed until she caught a Ghost-type Pokemon. As she was muttering yet another prayer , she decided it's time. She let the Pokemon out of it's Pokeball and was amazed to see a Honedge coming out it. " [color=tomato] Yes ! You are a Ghost Pokemon. Thanks the Gods above. *extending a hand* I'm Alexis Ghost and we will be friends. I've lived my whole life with Ghost Pokemon so I hope we will get along too. Together we will be the very best team. [/color] " she barely contained her emotions for the first time in many years. [@Shadow Daedalus]