[color=598527]Hello everyone! Some of you already know me, some of you don't. I'm a pretty relaxed roleplayer who has a love for many things, and since my last interest check is clogged up and a few years old, I figured I'd make an updated version. A little about me: I'm male, over 18, have had multiple jobs in my short time on this Earth. I live on the east coast of the US. Massachusetts, specifically. So, my timezone is EST, or GMT-5. This is all you're getting until we get into OOC conversations. :P So to start off, here are my rules. I put them in a hider to keep things on this check less cluttered. Please read these! :)[/color] [hider=Rules]1.) All Characters must be, at the least, 18 years old if the intention of the plot is for romance to happen. There can be certain exemptions from this, most notably if a lengthy amount of time is to be spanned where the character would start at an age younger, but at the end of the time would be at least 18 before a romance happened. 2.) While I prefer MxM, I will do MxF because it is much more common, and FxF if convinced. 3.) If you become disinterested in a roleplay, or are going to be gone for an extended amount of time, I'd like to know. I consider it polite to actually tell someone. Recently I've had many roleplaying partners simply disappear and stop responding, despite how much work we'd put into the roleplays. And, I've also had people blatantly ignore me upon contacting them to see about what happened. Talk about rude. 4.) I am very lax on the amount of time between responses. Most of my roleplays are one-a-day type, or even one-a-week or longer. If we invest into an RP, and it's worth responding to, I don't care how long it takes. 5.) I do enjoy OOC and love to make friends with those I roleplay with. Feel free to chat outside of the roleplay. 6.) I have almost no limits on sexual encounters within roleplays, but I will let you know if there is something I don't approve of or that I don't want to see. 7.) I have almost no limits on violence and other dark themes within roleplays, but as said previously, I will let you know if something comes up. 8.) I tend to try to write at least two paragraphs per response in a roleplay, but depending on the situation, I may put more or less. However, I will never leave you with less than one full paragraph. I expect the same from you. 9.) I am not a perfect roleplaying partner, so I will make mistakes here and there with typos and other small errors, but otherwise I am completely and fully literate and capable of writing in detail and with proper sentence structure. Literacy and a coherent writing ability are a must if you are to roleplay with me. 10.) As far as character creation goes, I prefer to use character sheets to describe/display a character before the roleplay starts. I use real images or a description for appearances. I am not into anime, so I prefer not to reference characters with those types of images. However, if you prefer not to have character sheets, just let me know! I'm pretty lax on this too. 11.) I am perfectly alright with characters being of any race, ethnicity, etc. Just because I'm white doesn't mean I won't roleplay with a character who isn't, in both senses. I want to diversify my characters, and if you want to as well, feel free! 12.) I prefer to roleplay through PMs, due to the mature nature of most roleplays I do. 13.) Non-romantic roleplays are perfectly alright. 14.) Also, I had a situation with another roleplayer where PMs apparently didn't get sent or weren't going through, so we moved to email. If you think this to be the case, simply ask for my email address and we'll move from the site in order to bypass any errors that may happen here.[/hider] [color=598527]So, those are the rules. Pretty simple, right? If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I don't bite.[/color] ---------- [color=598527]Continuing on, here are some things I am interested in. I will start with very general plots, and lower down will be the more in-depth ones. Anything with a * next to it is what I really want to do. Anything with a [s]strike[/s] through the description is one that I am currently doing or not currently interested in doing.[/color] [hider=Genres][center]Here's a list of Genres I most enjoy. If you aren't interested in any of the plots I have listed, feel free to come up with one! I'm open to other ideas. Also, most of these genres can be merged to form more specific ones (a sci-fi war RP, for example). [s]Sci-Fi[/s] [s]Modern[/s] [s]Slice of Life[/s] [s]Post-Apocalyptic[/s] Historical War Fantasy Steampunk Robots[/center][/hider] [hider=Fandoms][center]What's an interest check without a list of fandoms? Here are some stuff I'd be willing to roleplay within the universes of. Note that I only play OCs, for fear that I make horrible portrayals of canonical characters. *****Naruto I have rekindled my love for this Anime/Manga as of late, and have began rewatching it from the very beginning. As I type this, I'm currently on episode 65. I go through a ton of episodes in a night though. I am very interested in this fandom right now! [s]Mass Effect Have played and beaten all 3 games, will roleplay virtually any race. Hyped for Andromeda.[/s] [s]Star Wars Absolutely obsessed with the Star Wars world, and have a deep love for the SWTOR MMO. Have watched all the movies, read some of the comics, and watched some episodes of the Clone Wars TV show.[/s] Overwatch One of my favorite FPS games at the moment. The world and characters are incredible. [s]Fallout Another game series I have a deep love for. Have played and beaten Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and was a good amount through Fallout 4 before a bugged quest made joining the Brotherhood impossible. :( Haven't completed it with other characters, and the bugged one is my furthest along.[/s] Skyforge An MMO I haven't played in quite a while, but I love the universe and premise of the game. I don't think that many people on this site play it, but I'll put it here anyways. Assassin's Creed While I'm not super knowledgeable about the details of the lore behind AC, I have played and beaten 1, 2, and 3, and have been playing through 4 as of late.[/center][/hider] [hider=Basic Plots][center]Here are some less fleshed-out plots highly open to speculation and further development. Some of these can be combined with others to form more depth.[/center] [hider=Wayfarer] A lost person is found and brought in by another, who takes care of them and offers to give them a place to stay. Open to many different genres and fandoms.[/hider] *[hider=Medicine]An individual or someone they deeply care for is struck by a severe illness that threatens to take their life. They must go to extremes to find the cure, meeting another person along the way who carries the same disease, but is actively searching for the cure as well. Open to many different genres and fandoms.[/hider] [hider=With Age Comes Wisdom]A young person falls in love with someone much older.[/hider] *[hider=Symbiotic]An individual tags on to an adventure or journey for their personal gain, and helps a bigger cause along the way.[/hider] ***[hider=Modern Fantasy]In most fantasy settings, the era is far in the past in the age of swords and shields. In this edition of a beloved genre, I want to take all of the classic races (elves, orcs, etc.), and put them into a more modern or even futuristic setting.[/hider][/hider] [hider=Constructed Plots][center]These are plots that contain more depth, or simply have stronger promise for further development. They may have more specific genres and fandoms attached to them. To make it easier, I've included any relevant genre or fandom in the titles of the hiders.[/center] [hider=Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes (Mass Effect, War/Survival)][s]The latin phrase Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes translates to War of All Against All; a great descriptor of the Reaper War. In the middle of this conflict lay two souls, entwined in combat they never asked for. These two individuals, neither of them soldiers, are trapped on a planet the Reapers are attacking. They have to use their wits and survival skills to endure the hardships of a deadly invasion, and escape the planet to the safety of anywhere else.[/s][/hider] *[hider=The Nihilist (Open Genre/Fandom, Dark Themes)]One could say that life is meaningless. Another could say that life is everything. On one fateful day, the nihilist reaches their breaking point. They attempt suicide, only for the other person to save them (or convince them not to try it in the first place). The two share a bond unlike most. The nihilist sees no meaning in the actions of the other, not understanding their compassion or caring. The other individual tries to show the nihilist that things have meaning, even in their short lives.[/hider] [hider=Pariah (Open Genre/Fandom, Violent Themes)]Sometimes there are people who just don't belong in the world. Social outcasts, strangers, and abominations alike. One of such people seeks to kill all who have made them suffer in their life. The politician who let the cop that beat them go free; slit his throat in the night without a trace of evidence to who did it. The abuser who goes through relationships with knuckles of concrete; beaten to death in an alleyway, just like how he treated his lovers. The rapist? Well, we'll leave that one to your imagination. The Pariah, as those speaking of them would call them, is an efficient and remarkable killing machine. One that seeks justice for all wrongdoings through increasingly violent methods. And that brings the attention of a second individual. This person seeks justice through the system, but can't get past the obstacles in their path. People in the way or progress. They manage to make contact with the Pariah after finding out they are the one who has committed the killings. From there, the Pariah becomes a hunter on demand, requested by their associate to kill those in their way that are perceived as evil.[/hider] [hider=Virulence and Empathy (Star Wars, Pre Destruction of the Sith, Romance Themes)][s]In the Sith, they are taught to kill to gain power. In the Jedi, they are taught to kill only when necessary. The two orders have always clashed, and have fought for ages. Two apprentices, one of a Jedi and the other of a Sith, are both searching for an artifact on a remote planet far from any familiar settlement. The artifact is said to contain great power, and that it would grant it to whomever could find it. The two apprentices sense each other on the planet and seek each other out, and when they finally meet, a battle ensues. However, their skills in both force and saber are equal. The young apprentices back off from each other and negotiate to help each other find the relic. In their two weeks of searching, they come across many dangers, and wind up protecting each other and saving each other with their unique strengths and knowledge. When they find the artifact they are both exhausted, and neither can decide who should keep the artifact. Secretly not wanting to leave their newfound friendship behind, the Sith Apprentice decides to lie to his master about the artifact, stating that it wasn't on the planet,but actually giving it to the Jedi Padawan. The two go their separate ways, and many years later encounter each other once again, this time as masters, with their own apprentices. Recognizing each other, they send their apprentices off to safety and mock a fight until they know the apprentices are gone and there are no witnesses around to see them. Old friends embrace and reminisce, and the two soon begin to meet up in secret as a forbidden relationship forms.[/s][/hider] ***[hider=Benevolence (Preferably Steampunk/Open Genre)] Most of an individual's body gets destroyed in an accident, and a scientist sees it as an opportunity to experiment. They steal the mangled bits of body from the morgue, mainly just the barely-intact head of the deceased, and go to work. They reanimate the dead individual, using mechanical prosthesis and a little mad science, and find themselves with an individual now completely alive through machines. The individual who had died is both grateful and disgusted. They didn't want to die, but now must adjust to a body not their own. No one else has ever had this level of prosthesis, and they must bear the burden of only their brain being theirs.[/hider] *****[hider=Attend To Me (Fantasy)][s] A powerful mage hires a scribe to accompany them on their journey outside of the Kingdom, to obtain an ancient text that is said to be on a snow-capped mountain, in a spire that sits atop it. The book is guarded by a demon, but the mage chooses [i]not[/i] to disclose this in order to avoid scaring away their scribe. The journey is long and arduous, and the young scribe has never been outside of the Kingdom. Throughout the course of the quest, the mage and the scribe run into all sorts of dangers, and the two become close. Note that I would prefer this plot to be MxM.[/s][/hider] *****[hider=It's Just Business (Mafia/Any Setting But Fantasy)]A Mafia family rules over their city's underground with an iron fist. The boss is an enigma, even his own mafiosos don't know who he is or what he looks like. All but the boss' right-hand man know the truth; that the boss actually died at 92, and when he died he left a long and detailed constitution for the Mafia to follow for many years to come. The right-hand man was always loyal to the boss' wishes, and refuses to take over the family until the constitution is rendered useless. Most of the mafiosos are too young to have known the boss when he was actually alive. While some mafiosos have found it strange that the boss is never around and never shows up, they wouldn't dare question the right-hand on his orders. That is, however, until one mafioso decides that he's gonna find out who the boss is, no matter the cost. Our characters would be two mafiosos, going about their lives committing large and small scale crimes alike, while attempting to find out the identity of their boss, not knowing that he'd died over twenty years in the past.[/hider][/hider] ------- [color=598527]So, those are all the plots I can think of for now. If one interests you, or if you have a plot of your own you think I'd be interested in, [color=ed1c24][b]please PM me for us to discuss it! I only look here either to update this check, or to bump when necessary.[/b][/color] Thanks![/color]