After scouring the internet for most of my life, its only in the last 5 years I've seen socio-politcal labelling as a real thing, people seem to stand by titles in a way they never did before, so for a bit of interest I've compiled a small list of some titles that I come across the most on the internet, so please let us know if you do or dont identify with the label or not and why. [b][u][h3]Are You A........[/h3][/u][/b] [b]Men's Rights Activist (MRA)[/b] (kinda) [i]Technically[/i] I am, though I dont feel like I partake in much activism if any so i prefer the term Men's Rights Advocate. Under only under the broad umbrella of egalatarianism. I find the MRA movement of recent times on the internet to fit the 'Male Reactionary Asshole' backronym a lot better. Blaming feminists for absoulutely everything and mindlessly supporting anything that happens to oppose tumblr. So I adopt this title with a lot of caution. [b]Anaracho Capatalist[/b] (No) This would be a big resounding NO from me. Its a very edgelordish doomsday ideology rooted in wacky conspiracies about how anything that the government does is evil and making your life worse. I'm fairly authoratarian and I dont believe that the NAP (Non Agression Principle) is realisitic. Also Stefan Molynuex is a cult leader. [b]SJW (Social Justice Warrior)[/b] (No) This is a very easy NO for me. Firstly I think that anyone who calls themseleves a 'warrior' outside of a combat setting is an absolute cringelord. Also the 'justice' administered by these people seems to just boil down to calling people bigots on twitter, its a fad and it'll die, sooner the better. If I want to challenge inequality I can advocate without that moronic group label. [b]Feminist[/b] (Kind of, Yeah) This one is a little easier, its another careful yes. I do consider myself a feminist in the more reasonable understanding of the term. Again this is under the umbrella of Egalitarianism, so I do hold mens rights advocacy and feminism at the same time. But I'm also very very careful to shy away from the Jezebel brand of feminisim which seems more about opression olympics and disproportionate retribution. [b]Brexiter[/b] (Indifferent) I'm totally ambiguous on this one, I dont care about brexit and this comes from someone who has lived in the UK their whole lives. Life goes on either way. Its slightly annoying to see misinformed non-british people have such a damn opinion on it when they dont fully understand the nuances of this country though. [b]Gamergater/Pro Gamergate[/b] (Hell No) Hell no, gamergate is bullshit. 'Ethics' in game journalism has been flaky and crap from day one. I dont even want to say I'm anti gamer-gate because I dont want to allign myself with the idiots that say that Zelda should be a hispanic girl or something like that. But the very premise is ridiculous. [b]Race Realist[/b] (Dont accept the premise of race) So this is a no for me but I should qualify that this isnt because I'd be too emotional to accept hard facts, it stems from my belief that race doesnt exist so any sort of biological study on these groups would be from a faulty premise. It also doesnt help that a lot of these 'race realist' scientiests also happen to be massive racists. You cant say 'just the facts' when saying blacks or mexicans have inherintly low IQs but then be proclaiming 'race mixing is a crime against morality' in the next article. I think a lot of RR just stems from a reactionary effort to piss liberals off, which is really childish. [b]Libertarian[/b] (Not Really) I approach this one with caution, I would say mostly no, because I am fairly authorotarian in my beliefs but it could be said that I am 'culturally' libertarian on some social issues and some of the broader stances I can at least see some good ideas behind. But much like the An-Cap stuff above, too much of this has turned into to smug, edgy ways to be conservative but rebellious at the same time. I would stay away from this label wherever I could, especially on the net. Your turn, let me know where you fall with these labels.