[b][center][color=#17c311][h3][i]Cyneburg[/i][/h3][/color] [color=#17c311]Location:[/color] A[s] trap [/s]cave full of friendly orcs [color=#17c311]Interacting with:[/color] Kyra, Keystone, Orc Leader & Brezcar[/center][/b] [color=#17c311]"Actually Keystone, he said that if we can go back to the village and negotiate peace, then he'll trust us. But food sounds like a good idea."[/color] The last sentence was both a paraphrase and a suggestion from herself. She hadn't had a real filling meal since she had joined up with this group 2-3 days ago (time was a bit difficult to keep track of. Already events were starting to blur into nondescriptness), and before that the last filling meal was weeks ago. Granted that was as a bear, and they did better not eating than people-bodies did. The point is that on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, her mind was most focused on physiology. Particularly food. As far as being able to garner the orcs' trust, or being able to broker peace with the humans of Salarn? Ehhhhhh. The orcs had shown themselves to be decently trustworthy so far, but she didn't know how the village-people would react to all this news. They apparently had been directly attacked by the orcs, rather than just assuming the other party was responsible for undead fucking around in the woods, so they'd probably be far less open to the idea of peaceful negotiation. But she probably wouldn't be directly involved in [i]those[/i] negotiations, so she wasn't as worried as she could have been about the whole ordeal.