[hider=Ted Pond] [center][color=CadetBlue][h3][i][b]Character Sheet[/b][/i][/h3][/color] [hider=Layout Sample] [h3][i]"I am sorry, that was ungraceful" / “Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever. “ / “Let this remind you why you once feared the dark... “[/i] ~ ?.[/h3] [h3][i][b]~General Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Theodore Pond [b]Nick-Names:[/b] Ted, Teddy, others TBH (or gained IC) [b]Sex/ Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] London, England [b]Camp Cabin:[/b] 18 [b]Appearance - ? Years Old:[/b] 18 (though you already ask characters age?) [hider=My Hider] [img]https://cdn.cloudpix.co/images/tom-baker/tom-baker-young-5085d9941a668fa34fb4b55fc9b94741-large-1270773.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h3][i][b]~Relationship Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single [b]Sexuality:[/b] Hetro/Stright [b]Partner:[/b] His right hand, sometimes ;) [b]Godly Parent:[/b] Thanatos [b]Human Parent:[/b] Amelia 'Amy' Pond (deceased [?]) [b]Siblings:[/b] [b]Legacy:[/b] Hecate [b]Pet/s:[/b] A young creature called Tiny [hider=Tiny's Appearance][img]http://www.mwctoys.com/images/review_sammael_1.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Other:[/b] ?. [h3][i][b]~Personal Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Personality:[/b] Although Ted was lucky enough to escape most of the Dyslexia and ADHD he still stuggles at times with them, although he is quite clever and is good at what he enjoys he is quiet and shy and often apologizes and clams he is ungraceful – mostly after pulling off a move that takes huge amounts of grace/skill. (Will add more later) [b]Skills:[/b] Ted can play the mouth harmonica and writing stories. He knows three forms of combat, Muay Thai, Krav Maga and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and is starting to work and melding all three into his own unique style which can if needs be include his Sasumata [b]Biography:[/b] A fairly morbid child, Ted would always cry if Amy tried to cloth him in anything but black (or near enough black) which she just took as a personality trait from Teds father, as he grew up and began to walk, talk and read Ted discovered his fascination with all things death related (spending time in graveyards, reading books on possibilities of what the after life held – with large leanings towards the beliefs of the ancient Greeks believed in.) Things in England were fairly quite for Ted and Amy in terms of monster attacks (a few occurred but they were minor monsters from realms that were not connected to the underworld.) It was only when Amy and Ted were in America for a holiday that the full impact of Ted being a Demigod involved and was escorted to camp half blood (need something more I think for this?) [h3][i][b]~Demigod Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Fatal Flaw[/b] Dont know what a good one would be for a child of Thanantos [b]Demigod Abilities:[/b] [b]Necromancy:[/b] As the son of the God of Death, Ted has watered down divine authority and absolute control over the deceased. Power Over the Undead: Ted can reanimate skeletons, call forth endless waves of the dead to fight for him , destroy Skeleton Warriors, and put them to sleep. He can also silence dead souls with a gesture, and physically take hold of ghosts. Imperceptibility: He can use shadows to cover himself in darkness to become invisible and melt into shadows, not be touched, this part only works when he is standing stock still, seen or heard by anyone,apart from Olympian gods, Titans, or Giants. [b]Flight[/b] He can fly using shadow wings, he is fairly fast too [b]Doors of Death[/b] (Not known yet) Ted can manifest doors between the worlds of the living and dead. From being a Legacy of Hecate, Ted gets the following: [b]Mist Control:[/b]she has divine authority and absolute control over the Mist. A swirling column of pure white Mist surrounds her when she is present. She can create illusions. She can create false memories. She can make monsters invisible or have them be seen as something else. She can hide locations. She can summon Mistforms. She can disguise people. [b]Prophecy[/b]: As the Goddess of Magic, Ted can see multiple futures that could happen therefore being able to predict prophecies as well. [h3][i][b]~Weaponry Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Weapon/s:[/b] ?. [b]Weapon/s Name:[/b] Greg [b]Weapon/s Type:[/b] Scythe [b]Attributes:[/b] its made of Stygion Iron and gives off a weak / moderate aura of death (some are more resistant to it then others) [hider=Weapon Appearance] [b]Weapon/s Appearance:[/b] [img]http://s897.photobucket.com/user/Alex_Hikarashi/media/AwesomeScythe1.jpg.html[/img] [/hider] [h3][i][b]~Other Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Other:[/b] TBD [h3][i][b]~Theme Song~[/b][/i][/h3] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mjlM_RnsVE[/youtube] [b]Theme Song:[/b] "Monster" by Skillet. [/hider] "Zeus was the prettiest girl at the ball, even Aphrodite was jealous of him." [/center] [/hider] "Zeus was the prettiest girl at the ball, even Aphrodite was jealous of him." This is also a WIP but just wanted to check to see if I need to cut down on his powers or change anything about him :D