[color=plum][center][h1]Christian Walker[/h1][/center][/color] Christian felt uneasy for some reason. Maybe it was because of the faint horrible smell in the hallways or maybe due to him not eating right away. The young boy walked the hallway towards the front door and heard a knock. His ears seemed to perk up at that moment as he placed a shaking hand on the door knob on for Darius to shout.[color=gold]” Hey kid! Away from the door before Nikki finds out. Didn't your parents teach you any better? Or did your sister teach you that bad happened on the run.”[/color] The kid blinked and waited for the man to come closer before knocking on the floor and then pointing to the door, as if the man knew his gestures. The doorman shrugged, causing Christian to roll his eyes, and whisper in a very small voice.[color=plum]” There’s someone on the other side. They knocked.”[/color] the man nodded before shifting the child behind him. Darius opened the door, weapon raised, then let Ethan inside. He pinned the guy against the wall as the kid patted him down and taking his weapons away.[color=gold]” I think we should lead him to Nikki kiddo.”[/color] the child nodded and lead the way. When they arrived inside the cafeteria Christian ran straight towards Nikki while grinning. He gently hugged her, acting like a cute innocent kid like when he did when Kyle would scold him, before whispering inside her ear,[color=plum]” I love you Nikki.”[/color] he released his grip and smiled mischievously at Ingrid and Jon before attempting to tackle the Irish woman’s neck in a playful manner. [@Wick][@josephb]