Perrin waited there for a few moments and listened closely to the rather professional sounding response from Hitori. It would likely be clear that Perrin was listening to the description rather intently. He was making a rather curious mental note on the taste of the fire like creature, or at least the particular organ that had been eaten. Perhaps it could be used to make something in the future or simply use for a snack all by itself. After all the treat from the description given sounded quite delightful with perhaps a minor exception of the smokiness part, but that was more personal preference over regular taste. “Sounds fine enough, although would you mind clearing up how a pizza tastes? Don’t think I have ever tried one of those things but Pineapple’s odd sweetness is enjoyable on the rare occasions I’ve caught it in the market. Some say it makes good cookin’ with ham, and I wouldn’t disagree but ham is just as good without, personally anyways.” Perrin briefly scratched at his neck. “Coziest corner?” Perrin would briefly and try and bump a soft fist into Hitori’s shoulder. “Well if you want a place to hide away in for a time, I’m unsure but I definitely know where the beds seem to be!” Perrin would get up. “Broke one in a little to make it the coziest. Think I can lead you to it.”