Ronan seemed to be following along with what was being said until the mentioning of the stairs being destroyed. Which he quickly looked to double check himself, having not paid much attention to them in the first place. The monk and the damage caused to them had really brought up most of his worries, and they were beginning to flare up again. “A way back? A way back, yes. Simply then does anybody have something to hold down rope? An anchor of some sort would likely help, maybe a group of large stones of nothing else is to be found. Something heavy to simply hold it in place, and I am pretty sure everyone has rope or at least most of us should have brought it for preparing for this trip right?” Ronan said looking to the group and seemingly drifting away from the issue of the book. It was seeming some worry was getting the best of him. The thought of the whole place flooding and the rest of the group trapped to drown in this place was rather flashing its way through his mind every now and again.