Conna'Cel looked up at the mention of the painting, seeing the white horse on the lake. Conna'Cel spent a moment going through various thoughts on what clues the painting was meant to give. Perhaps the next area was going to involve using horses or water, or even both? Perhaps they would have to swim? Perhaps they would have to avoid the horses and water? It was difficult to say, really. Conna'Cel lacked the ability to determine what the piece of art was trying to reveal, and so it was meaningless to him. Instead, he focused on what he could do, remaining vigilant for incoming threats, scanning the area for signs of such threats. [hr] While others had their attention on the painting on the ceiling, Shawn was still working on getting the can open. There was no pin on the can he could use to rip a lid off, so that meant Shawn had to use.... other methods. What those methods would be, however, Shawn had no clue. "[color=0072bc]Hmm....[/color]" Shawn thought out loud. He stared at the can for a few more seconds, as if trying to unlock the secret to opening it. Then, Shawn had an idea, summoning his sword in his hand. Gorgonzolla was immediately aware of it, and immediately began to object to it. Now that the sword was out, everyone was now capable of hearing Gorgonzolla's words emanating from the blade. "[color=ed1c24]Shawn, don't you DARE-[/color]" Gorgonzolla yelled before Shawn placed the can on a nearby table and swung his blade at it, slicing the top of the can off and striking the wall. As Shawn pulled his sword free from the wall, the wall also regenerating the damage done to it, Gorgonzolla said furiously, "[color=ed1c24]Shawn, you have done a lot of stupid things in the past, but this is BY FAR! THE WORST![/color]" Shawn simply smiled at his sword as he held it up while replying, "[color=0072bc]Hey, at least you're faster than a can opener.[/color]" Gorgonzolla yelled loudly in rage, causing Shawn to instinctively dissipate his sword, silencing the room, though the yell continued in Shawn's mind. Doing his best to tune it out, Shawn looked towards his can of beans and examined the contents. Shawn then paused, realizing that he didn't have any spoons or other utensils to scoop out the beans. This made Shawn a very sad boy.