[center][h2][color=skyblue]Natasha Burkova[/color] - The Penalty Box[/h2][/center] The Italian man was polite and straightforward, finally explaining the situation once he switched to English. His name was Benito and he was working for a cape named Purge. It was obvious that the "family" they belonged to was the Italian mafia, but Benito was smart enough not to outright claim that. He was an expert, this wasn't his first rodeo. Natasha took a mental note that he already had some background information on her, though by all outward appearances it didn't seem that he knew anything incriminating or dangerous about her. It was still a minor detail but one of potential importance. [color=skyblue][b]"Yes, I inherited my uncle's businesses in America and immigrated here recently,"[/b][/color] she confirmed, sparing a quick glance to her subordinates sitting at the bar. They all were pretending to not be paying attention but it was apparent that they were listening intently. Now it was time for business. As Benito finished his proposition she put her hand in her purse and withdrew her little PDA. It was a small Blackberry with tiny buttons that were hard to press, but it was a useful tool for note-taking and scheduling. There was a brief silence on her end as she punched in a few quick notes about the Italian mafia based on Benito's brief descriptions. She didn't take too long so as to make it awkward and quickly placed her attention back on Benito. [color=skyblue][b]"It is a bit misleading to say that I am the one in charge here,"[/b][/color] Natasha said first, placing the small device back into her purse. [color=skyblue][b]"We are a family, much like your own. We look out for each other and for our communities. I have merely come to own a few businesses here in Denver, you don't need my permission to start your own. But... we are a very [i]protective[/i] family. I would hate to hear that somebody got hurt, you see. We keep our affairs in order and expect our communities to do the same. Violence is something that I... abhor." "Not to mention that money is always a problem for some of us. We do our best to support our brothers but some still hit hard times. Just as I would hate to hear about anyone being hurt, I would also hate to hear about anyone losing their jobs or going out of business. We all have mouths to feed."[/b][/color] Natasha looked down at her wristwatch to briefly check the time. She wasn't running late at all, but it was a force of habit for her to always be aware of the time of day. [color=skyblue][b]"If you still want my permission, then you shall have it. I do not mind having new neighbors. Just remember to tell your boss that our brotherhood here has many friends, some of them being quite... [i]powerful[/i]. If there is no trouble then there is no problem."[/b][/color] The blonde woman rose from her seat, drawing the attention of her entourage though none stood up immediately. [color=skyblue][b]"If you or anyone in your family wants to talk with me, they can call my office or stop by on weekday afternoons. I would like to meet this Purge man eventually, but I know what it is like to be a busy man. It must be especially difficult to go out in public when someone is in his [i]position[/i] on top of that."[/b][/color] From within her coat she withdrew a paper business card, complete with a phone number and the address of her shipping warehouse that her office was located at. It didn't look particularly impressive but the little white card got the job done. She held the card out for Benito, fully expecting him to take it. It didn't help that her sitting expression wasn't exactly friendly or smiling, so her stance had an intimidating tone as she offered him her business card. [color=skyblue][b]"Ah, before I forget I should warn you about Denver. There are many parahumans here, for better or worse. Your boss may want to know that before he makes the trip."[/b][/color]