The hose squirmed and tossed in Krauss's grasp as he fought the seemingly living fire hose. He did his best to brace against the man's back as the man fought the fire, providing stability for the both of them. Life saving water furiously battled the raging flames just ahead of them. Krauss watched as others joined in to fight the flames. He allowed himself a small grin as he realized that they too were brave enough to face such challenges such as this. The fire was fierce, but in the end, their persistence had begun to pay off. The flames slowly died, chocking on the seawater and foam that smothered the fire. Despite a sudden lurch, they maintained their attack on the fire, Captain Conway yelling that they were nearly out of the Ring of Thunder. Finally, as the flames gave their last hiss, they put out the fire. Standing up with a sigh, Krauss shook his head as the man in front of him gave a fist pump of joy. Krauss had seen plenty of hair raising, pissing in your pants, terrifying situations in his life. Funny enough, the scariest of them all was when the airship he was once aboard got caught up in a jet stream that pushed them nearly into the Ring of Thunder. Krauss placed a friendly hand on the man's shoulder. "Trust me, you'll get used to this sort of stuff." Indeed, nothing short of an Eldritch god rising out the sea itself would terrify poor Krauss. He hit his adrenaline peak years ago. But just then, nature apparently saw that as a challenge. A voice came on over the PA system. "Head's up, Cap'n. There's a hundred-footer between us and safety. The Garrloch can make it over, but we're going to be tossed around a fair bit. We'll be hitting in fifteen seconds, tops. Everyone brace for impact." Suddenly the ship began to lurch and Krauss immediately dropped to his feet and with surprising grace and control, swiftly slid over to the wall, grabbing hold of a pipeline. However, his instincts might have nearly costed a life, as he watched the man he had just help tumble backwards towards the end the hall. Much to his relief, however, two others reacted quickly and grabbed him before he could fall into the man made pool below. Krauss was no stranger to a change in gravity, but this was ridiculous as he felt the ship nearly go vertical. "So this is what a hundred foot swell feels like? Gotta say, I would take some bad turbulence over this ride any day." he thought to himself as he struggled to maintain his grip on the wet pipes. The gaping whole to the sky left by the lightning strike revealed the turbulent ocean behind them. Then suddenly sky. Then water again. Shit. The ship had just crested the swell and was now barreling down the wave. The familiar feeling of having your stomach in your throat took Krauss all his willpower and strength to keep his breakfast. "Damn you... Damn you mother for making me such a wonderful goodbye breakfast..."