[center][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/49da/f/2016/264/0/8/spawnzi_by_fenixking13-daig4go.png[/img][/center] [center]Valion[/center] [i]Approaching the docks[/i] Valion was one of the last to arrive at the designated meeting spot. The docks were crowded with others he did not recognize and thus sumarily were ignored. His mission didn't involve getting to know them it involved meeting someone. Though the circumstances as to why remained a mystery. Even Marcus Kiln had not been informed as to what the mission was about when he had called on Valion. The only information given was it had been priority. Rather than make nice with the others, the hooded monk chose to take his rest overlooking the rest of the gathered members of this odd forming party. Inside, he had a burning desire to continue his other work. His personal work. Ridding this world of the creatures that had slain his master. (Best I can do..)