Name: Achieng, Clan Chima AKA: Doctor Chima, Achi Age: 28 Race: Watamaji Appearance: Achi is heavily curved, with dark brown skin, topaz eyes, and short white hair. Her skin is extremely smooth, cool to the touch and slightly wet at all times. She has fingers that are half webbed. Instead of legs, she has a long tailfin. It starts the shade of her skin, but shifts to a brilliant orange-gold. Like most of her race who traverse the galaxy, she wears a sheer bodysuit that covers her from the waist up to the neck and arms. It is made of a material designed to draw moisture from the environment and stay damp to protect the Watumaji's skin. Over that, Achi usually chooses to wear a tunic from her home planet, one that is brightly colored and patterned, as well as jewelry that seems to be made of coral and bone. From the waist down, she is settled in a water tank that is about the size of a personal scooter. The tank rolls smoothly on two treads, and Achi maneuvers it with a small control panel. Faction: Council? Bio: Bio: Achieng traveled with her parents around the planet, her mother being a singer that would visit great cities and small towns alike. Her mother's voice was said to be heard even by those whose souls had joined the Sea, and so she was requested at many dignitaries funerals. Unfortunately, Achi's mother became ill and never recovered. She died when Achi was still a child. Her distraught father took her to the home of her aunt, promising to return for her soon. He never did. Young Achi grew up isolated. She was shunned by the townspeople, and shamed by her aunt. Her aunt considered her a freeloader, and her own past jealousy of Achi's successful and well-loved mother came out on Achi herself. Her uncle did nothing to stop his wife's poor treatment of their niece. Achi's only solace was in her cousin, who ignored his mother's opinions and treated her as a sister. The two grew up close, and he was Achi's savior.  Unfortunately, her aunt was not much kinder to her own son, and as soon as her cousin became of age, he pledged (married) to someone and moved far away from home. While he did offer to take Achi with him, she declined. Left on her own, Achi honed her singing in secret, growing more controlled and powerful by the turn of each tide. She also did everything she could to earn money, trading, bartering, and singing for pay. The day came when she too, became of age, and she wasted no time in gathering her meager possessions and leaving. After bartering for passage on an off-planet ship, she made her way through schooling, excelling with honors. While she easily could have found work anywhere, she all but begged to be assigned with the Mauraders, wanting to figure out how they continued to succeed where so many others failed. Personality: Achieng is gentle-hearted and caring, and at first glance would seem an odd choice for the military. However, she has an acceptance of all sorts of beings, and her position as a soldier's counselor makes sense to those who go to see her. She can hear terrible things, stories of war and blood, pain and grief, and take them in without judgement or reproach. She listens, and she comforts, and only offers advice when it is asked of her; sometimes people simply want to be heard, not corrected. Outside of her role on the ship, she is friendly to others and usually quiet. The only time she would show any fierceness is if she was in personal danger, or someone was harming another person in front of her. Weapon(s) : Could probably talk her way out of trouble if need be? Also carries a “fishing knife” that looks like a sword to most. Her planet has very, very big fish. [img][/img] Star-fighter?: None Family/Relationship?: Has her cousin back home who she communicates with every few months. Other: Achieng won't let anyone know she can sing, as she considers the attention too much; however she might be caught humming if left alone.