[center][h1][color=dodgerblue]Wards - Streets of Denver[/color][/h1] [@solokolos][@Kafka Komedy][@Lugubrious][@BCTheEntity][@yoshua171][/center] The young heroes emerged from the Parahuman Response Team's headquarters, bursting forth like a floodgate crushed beneath an awesome wave! The civilians that had been in the lobby attempting to get in close for pictures, autographs, and questions had been held back by the few PRT soldiers that remained in the area. A few attempted to break free from the holdings of the soldiers, but to no avail, and soon the objects of their desires had fled from sight. The people out on the street had been just as surprised and enthusiastic about seeing real life superheroes, but thankfully they exercised far greater restraint. It seemed they recognized that the young heroes were on a mission, that they were needed for some urgent situation. Nobody followed the Wards as they ran off, led by Sonar. As Messiah fell back to provide comfort for Epsilon, Sonar smiled. Again he spoke, and just as in the elevator his words could only be heard by the specific target of his choice. In this case, that was Epsilon. [color=lightblue]"Don't worry, Ira. You're brilliant and capable! In fact, I'm the one that requested you be on this team when you first signed on."[/color] Whether or not he was sincere, the boy's words sure [i]sounded[/i] friendly and honest. Tulpa jumped in at that moment, offering to scout ahead using her ability, and for the first time the rest of the Wards were treated to seeing the projection she created as an extension of herself. The young heroine concentrated on following Sonar whilst also allowing information to flood her mind, bits of data collected by the projection and provided directly into her brain. The projection certainly provided a great deal of info, and even collected tidbits that Sonar had yet to discover with his incredibly invasive ability. [color=lightblue]"Melee, no guns. That's such a relief,"[/color] the team leader commented, coming to a complete stop near a storm drain as Margrave spoke confidently into their communications. [color=lightblue]"I know I can count on you, Margrave,[/color] the youngest of them spoke through quickened breaths. In only a second he had caught his breath, and stood up straight to address his team. Six years of experience really did pay off if a sprinting session like that didn't affect him very long. [color=lightblue]"Now we have an idea of what we're up against, Wards. I can distinctly hear twenty-nine different bodies. Twenty thugs with melee weapons plus Eyeblight, which means we have eight hostages tied up. They're positioned exactly thirty meters South of us, near the drain mouth where the water pours into the creek."[/color] Sonar took a moment to make eye contact with each of his team, showing his steely determination and strong confidence. [color=lightblue]"It's rather lucky that we caught Eyeblight in such tight quarters. That means his natural agility and athleticism will be somewhat mitigated. I recommend a two-pronged assault. Tulpa,"[/color] he lifted his head to lock eyes with the newest member of the Wards. [color=lightblue]"Since you volunteered, on my signal manifest your projection from inside the drain tunnel. That way, we draw their attention from the mouth entrance."[/color] He then shifted focus to the rest of the group. [color=lightblue]"While the Community is distracted with the sudden appearance of Tulpa's projection, I will lead assault team A through the mouth. I want Martyr and Epsilon with me. Martyr, if any of them try to escape, make sure they'll have to fight for it by plugging that exit with as many clones as you can. Epsilon, if there's anything you can do to nullify Eyeblight's shifting, do it."[/color] The young boy that led the team once again shifted focus, this time to look at Messiah and Margrave. [color=lightblue]"Once they realize that we're blocking off the easiest escape route, they may try to simply charge passed Tulpa's manifestation. Messiah, you and Margrave are assault team B. Your job will be to back up Tulpa inside the tunnel in order to make sure none of them can get out that way. Your fire walls should prove essential, but remember that we don't know if Eyeblight's transformation makes him more susceptible to combustion, so be careful. We aren't trying to murder anyone."[/color] Sonar glanced right at Margrave, as if to accuse without actually accusing, then said, [color=lightblue]"I'm counting on you to make sure that none of the thugs can get in close enough to hurt Messiah."[/color] With a deep breath, the team leader added only one more thing. [color=lightblue]"We all good with that?"[/color] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=red]The Gang - Icehouse Hideout[/color][/h1] [@BCTheEntity][@yoshua171][@Kafka Komedy][@Eklispe][/center] As Everest approached, the gang could feel the temperature in the air drop at least ten degrees. A noticeable chill emanated from the man, crystallizing water vapor in the air. Just being near him proved itself to be something of a challenge, at least for those not used to sudden drastic changes in temperature. While he accepted every handshake offered, it was clear to the others that holding his hand for long would prove to be unwise. His grip wasn't simply strong and firm, but cold. Ice cold. Not even that, but below zero freezing! Holding onto his hand for more than a few seconds threatened hypothermia. One thing that Frankie learned when caressing Everest, apart from the extremely low temperature of the man, was that his mask turned out to be surprisingly expressive. The eyes shifted into bewilderment at first, then noticeably uncomfortable. Everest pulled back from Frankie's unwanted attention. "It's nice to, er, meet you... Whatever your name is." His deep, gravelly voice somehow came off as quite humorous as it increased in pitch with alarm, clearly disturbed by the shifter. Everest appeared to be greatly relieved when he could turn his attention toward Headhunter, shaking the assassin's hand and nearly freezing his glove in the process. "Headhunter? I uh, think I've heard of you, yeah? You're a cape? Thought you were just some guy that was good at shooting things, though." And then entered Chatterbox. Everest immediately perked up as the flamboyant, garish man spoke to him. The newest cape to the party turned his attention to face Chatter, and his strangely expressive mask showed that he was quite impressed. Relaxed, even. He gladly took the performer's hand, and to Chatterbox's detriment gripped it a bit longer than was necessary. By the time Chatter could pull his hand away, it was turning blue. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Chatterbox." Then CB mentioned The Broker, and Everest's expression simply... Stopped. The more perceptive in the room could see that the man attempted to hide his emotions, but he trembled ever so slightly. If it hadn't been for the man's immunity to his own cold, one could be forgiven for thinking that he was merely shivering. "I see. I wasn't informed of any of you ahead of time." Everest's vocals projected like a rock tumbler, grinding against the very air itself. [color=purple]"That is merely one of the perks of being early,"[/color] The Broker interjected, speaking for the first time since Everest had entered. Everest stood silent for a moment, then spoke directly to The Broker. "You knew what I could do before I made my debut in public. That means you know who I am." The Broker flashed a bored looking smile, nodded, then returned to a neutral expression. "Inviting me doesn't make any sense, then. Unless..." Everest's eyes moved around the room cautiously, observing the other villains, scanning them for danger. Suddenly realization his him like a sack of bricks. "Oh shit!" The icy cold cape extended an outstretched palm directly at The Broker with a sudden and great speed. As he did so, shards of ice emerged from his palm, flying outward with the speed of a bullet, like some sort of frozen shotgun. The shards of ice proved to be razor sharp, just as any crystalline object would be when filed down enough, by stabbing through the solid brick wall behind The Broker. As for the gang's employer? He sat in his chair, motionless, an expression of bored amusement plastered across his face only matched by a man dragged against his will to the opera that entertained himself by making up his own words to the story. Somehow, despite all probability, despite all [i]possibility,[/i] Everest had completely missed his target with an area attack at point blank range. The Broker seized the opportunity by seizing Everest's own hand. In response, the parahuman attempted to shoot another icy blast from his left hand, only to find nothing happened. "Wha... What?! What did you do to me?!" [color=purple]"It is rude to attack your host,"[/color] The Broker snarled, his normally calm and professional face contorting into some sort of mockery of a human being, highlighting what could only be reasonably called the unholy love child of rage and psychosis. [color=purple]"I was willing to give you a chance if you could kill the assassin, but you no longer have [i]any[/i] role in this conglomerate, save as currency. [i]Consider yourself terminated.[/i]"[/color] [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=1b1464][b]Overlook's Bunker[/b][/color][/h3] [@Banana][/center] The messaging system remained silent for a moment. No new messages cropped up from Decoy, no notifications popped to let Overlook know that the Protectorate tinker was currently typing. The uneventful silence went for nearly a minute before the next message appeared on the monitor. [i]I have already sent in a small squad of PRT to your location to investigate. I will keep your drone here under my watch as collateral, while the squad arrives. Once they are there, we will talk face to face.[/i] [i]More or less.[/i] [i]I have no intentions of turning you in or bringing you in on charges, unless you give me reason to think you're a threat. The squad has only been informed that I detected an "abnormal computer signature" at your location that needs to be scouted, they are completely unaware of your transgressions, so they will treat you well. Once we can talk directly to one another, we'll iron everything out.[/i] Didn't seem like there was much room for discussion on the topic. At least for now. Hopefully Decoy was as honest as he claimed to be. [hr][hr] [center][h2][color=lightgreen]Sonika - The Penalty Box[/color][/h2] [@j8cob][/center] Benito listened to Natasha's spiel, never once taking eye contact off from the Bratva lord. Just as she had clearly pegged him as mafia, he had clearly pegged her as an extraordinarily dangerous woman, and despite her claims to the contrary, very much the kingpin of the area. He deftly took hold of the business card she had offered, gave it a cursory examination, then placed it within the breast pocket of his suit blazer. "I am glad you are so open to allowing another family business in the area," he complimented, giving her a nod. "I will let my employer know that you would like to meet him in person, but as you say, going out in public is... Difficult for him, though it has nothing to do with his ventures as a supervillain." Benito stood, then placed his hat back atop his head. Afterward he set a crisp, clean $100 bill on the bar top. "I always appreciate good spirits, ma'am. Both literal and metaphorical," he added with a wink. "And a special thank you for the warning. We will remain ever alert for capes, and more than simply the Protectorate heroes. Now if you excuse me, ma'am, I must be going. I shall be meeting with The Community leaders for similar purposes." Unless stopped, Benito would then make his way out the door, exiting The Penalty Box, and leave the way he came: within a 1995 Cadillac.