[center][h2]The Spider and the Nephilim[/h2][/center] Wrath had been following a little ways before Souta, still hanging from one of the vines behind him, when the Watcher pointed out the sound. Wrath, being he'd been more concerned with not falling, did his best to split his attention between maintaining his grip and listening to the extra noise that shouldn't have been there. However, he was not so preoccupied that he missed the sound of clicking mere seconds before the spider appeared and took a bite at him. Letting go of his vine, and hoping he didn't just doom himself, he dropped below the strike, catching himself lower down and swinging his bladed gauntlet at it's leg. About the same time Souta exclaims [color=teal]”They teleport!?”[/color] after his own opponent does it, Wrath learns the same lesson. Not wasting the opportunity, He swings the vine and sends himself into the air once more, landing on the same horizontal set of vines that Souta is on, looking for his opponent as he draws his sword. In retrospect, he should have asked if there was away to go by the villages without entering them, but it was too late now.