[center][h1][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/UKZ44RD.png[/img][color=#E9DAA1][b]Marianne Beiget[/b][/color][hr][/h1][/center] As the speech ended, Mary was glanced over by a sense of relief. She could barely look at Principal Othello anymore. Not since she accidentally called the man "Dad", a mistake that the majority of absent-minded students had made at some point. Luckily, this happened at the beginning of the year, and within hours, everyone had forgotten. But Mary never forgot. Even single time she saw the principal, she was reminded of that moment of her life. Besides that, nothing of her previous time at the academy was notable. No matter what happened in the halls, Mary had been off to the side as the action happened. Though, she ended up as her team's leader. Not because of exemplary skill or behavior, however. She was the only one on her team who could, well, speak up and talk to people. Well, Gradon could also speak and he was a savant when it came to fighting, but he wasn't even considered to be their leader because of the entire door ordeal. By process of elimination and not nomination, Mary was chosen to be the team captain. This responsibility fell solely on her. Mostly because two others were completely unassertive, and the third, well, couldn't open doors. It was as if it was some sort of comedy act, especially with Gradon. Despite this, the team had managed to overcome their inherent personality flaws to do completely average in every single exercise. Mary's leadership was average, so it was only appropriate that they had such a mediocre performance. As Mary left the assembly hall, she took off her top, revealing the over-sized washed-out t-shirt that she always wore. In fact, the vast majority of her wardrobe consisted of these t-shirts. It was better not to stand out. She shoved it in her bag and slung her bag onto her back. Her mind quickly wandered back to the assembly. Mary had been absentmindedly listening and reminisced on her past as she left. She remembered some talk about a festival. All of the other students seemed jubilant. She quickly put two and two together, and she realized that the entire school was having a large festival. It was like a kind of party, Mary had thought. However, this joy was quickly cut-off as she realized the implications of a large festival. An absurd cost, probably measured in the thousands. Bleh, the thought of it nearly made her sick. What was the best way to get rid of this sickness? By eating food, of course! Mary decided to head off to find the others. She was separated from her team, and they must have had the same idea to find each other. Actually, LĂ­adan would more likely be a loner-baby and read in some dark crevice of the school. But, the other two would have to be searching for each other! Well... if Gradon wasn't stopped by his mortal enemy - doors - then he would be searching for others. There was still Sill, but knowing him, he would probably lack the initiative to find the others. It looked like it was up to Mary to find the rest of them. Without any further ado, she began to look for the others. Who knew what zany situation she would find herself in? Most likely, none. The most wacky situation she had got in was accidentally calling the principal dad.