[Hider=Reezan'Tarak] Name: Reezan'Tarak nar Voruuk Race: Quarian Gender/Age: Male, 23 Appearance: Usually wearing an outfit of all black and gray covered by as light of an armor as he will allow for maximum mobility. He of course wears his mask but the lights are a deep red. Class: Infiltrator Weapons: M-98 Widow, M-6 Carnifex Powers: Hacking, Invisibility, Disruptor rounds Occupation: Former assassin Background: Reezan couldn't stand the notion of the flotilla nor his people's custom of the Pilgrimage. Once his people decided to send him off, he knew he would never come back. He eventually found his way onto Omega and living with the scum that infest the place. He rolled into the Blue Suns in order to feed himself and found mercenary work to be the joy in life he had been missing. Throughout his short life he began to learn how to live in firefights and evaded death many more times than he should have, after one particularly close encounter with one of the Krogans of the Blood Pack Reezan decided taking a far-away approach would have him live longer so then he developed a fondness for sniper rifles. As he honed his craft of long range dispatching he eventually got a call from the higher ups of the Blue Suns and began to take on specialized missions to eliminate high value targets for other people. The only thing he hated about these jobs is that one was required to have a spotter, his spotter was a Turian named Fauslius Gaidos. Reezan never liked working with anyone, but Faulius was someone that always rubbed him the wrong way, but he got paid being around him so he tolerated him. One day a mission was to take out a C-sec officer that had evidence on the one of the Blue Suns higher ups that needed "erasing". Reevan took his position and began the search for the target; which he found almost instantly, just standing in the open seemingly waiting for a taxi. This....seemed too easy, but easy money was his favorite money so he began to slowly squeeze the trigger and instead of the normal recoil and firing of his rifle, the gun jammed up, someone sabotaged his rifle. He turned to tell his spotter but instead of his spotter he was looking down the barrel of a heavy pistol, Fauslius revealed himself to be an undercover C-sec and then Reevan was to spend the rest of his days behind bars, which is more of a pleasure than it sounded considering the Blue Suns blame him for one of their higher ups getting put in the slammer for life as well. Now with the Blue Suns after his head if he ever got out, he longed for the safety of the Flotilla, but this was his life now, how it goes from here will be the rest of his new Pilgrimage. Personality: He is an uncouth person, hardly caring for the other person's feelings. He will always say what is on his mind, in the bluntest way possible. But, once you flip his switch with a contract he becomes all business, following any order you have down to the letter. He rarely has time to make friends, they either slow you down or stab you in the back. [/hider]