[quote=@Komamisa] Today was significantly more busy than I thought it'd be. But I'll drop a message here so it doesn't seem like I ditched this RP. Quite partial to both Isyph and Crosos in about equal amounts. Something about a sarcastic golem just tickles me. Edit: Oh right, @Crumbs When you said you don't normally do High-Fantasy, what type of roleplay/writing are you normally up to? [/quote] [color=7CFC00]I'm glad you like them. ^^ I usually do more modern stuff, but still with weird esoterics thrown in. I've got a [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/140026-crumbs-and-others/ooc]1 x 1 Interest Check[/url] up that has small examples of what I normally like to do. I think that's easier than explaining it. Kind of... Edit: Yeah, it has been pretty busy today! Second Quick Edit Combo: [@potatochipgolem] Yes. :p [s]Third Mercurial Edition: That post didn't use my color! Everyone please look away! T_T[/s] [s]Fourth Edit: That's kind of a shameless plug, now that I think on it (though this is really more the plug) because my partners have been inactive. Hint. Hint. Hint. Guys. Hint.[/s] [/color]