[@Dynamo Frokane] This is a neat idea, although I don't generally like pigeon-holing like this. I'd rather people were asked to label themselves, rather than choose from a small list. That said, I'll try. [b]Are You A........[/b] [b]Men's Rights Activist (MRA)[/b] (I acknowledge their legitimacy) There are major issues that disproportionately affect men, that aren't taken seriously by society at large. That said, I don't necessarily agree with their end goal of egalitarianism. I'm not sure that men and women being equal, as they see it, would be the best situation for humanity. [b]Anaracho Capitalist[/b] (No) Depends who you're trying to help. Personally, I don't own a large, multinational business, so anarcho-capitalism doesn't help me. Likewise, I don't believe it helps the majority of humanity. Some basic regulation is required, to prevent exploitation and dishonesty. An informed, respected consumer leads to a healthier, stronger, more stable society. [b]SJW [/b](Social Justice Warrior) (depends) Not as it's defined on the internet. I do believe there to be many social justice causes that need attention (that aren't given that attention right now), but the overwhelming majority of "social justice warriors", are privileged white bitches looking to further their own status and luxury, rather than fight for those who actually need help. [b]Feminist [/b](depends) I exist in some sort of grey area, where some people call me a feminist, and others call me a sexist/misogynist/anti-feminist. Basically, I think equality of opportunity is a good thing, and women should be given the chance to excel, if they are able to do so. [b]Brexiter [/b](yes) I believe in democracy, and the EU's system of governance acts against the right of citizens of sovereign nations to vote for their leaders and policies. Brexit was the result of the democratic process, where the common citizens had the opportunity to make their voice heard. They made their decision, and we should absolutely, and resolutely, honour that decision. [b]Gamergater/Pro Gamergate (I acknowledge their legitimacy) [/b] Gamergate raised genuine issues. While I couldn't be bothered to take up the cause myself (I have bigger fish to fry), I believe their end result was constructive to society. [b]Race [/b][b]Realist [/b](Pleading the fifth) Sorry, your honour, I'm not biting. [b]Libertarian [/b](Half) Socially, I suppose you could call me a libertarian. I believe people should have the right to do what they want to do to themselves, and by themselves, without being subjugated by government thugs. Economically, not at all. I believe trade needs to be controlled, if we wish to preserve the standard of living of the middle class. How's that? Any questions?